What are some common complications with inhalation burns?

Most patients do not suffer long-term respiratory impairment following smoke inhalation; however, although rare, residual long-term sequelae may include tracheal stenosis, bronchiectasis, interstitial fibrosis reactive airway disease, and bronchiolitis obliterans. These are usually associated with severe injury.

Can a burn affect an unborn baby?

Mother and foetus are placed at increased risk by burn trauma, which is often associated with a high rate of both foetal and maternal mortality and morbidity.

Can fumes be harmful during pregnancy?

Chemical exposure Fumes from pesticides, household cleaners, and paint can be harmful to a developing fetus, especially in the first trimester. While you are pregnant, use chemical-free cleaning alternatives. If you must use chemical cleaners, wear gloves, ventilate the area, and avoid inhaling fumes.

What happens if you inhale fire smoke while pregnant?

Research shows prolonged exposure to bushfire smoke increases the risk of pregnancy complications including high blood pressure, gestational diabetes, low birth weight and premature birth (before 37 weeks).

What are symptoms of inhalation injuries?


  • Coughing and phlegm.
  • A scratchy throat.
  • Irritated sinuses.
  • Shortness of breath.
  • Chest pain or tightness.
  • Headaches.
  • Stinging eyes.
  • A runny nose.

How do you treat a burn while pregnant?

Initial treatment is the same for all burns. Run the burnt area under cool (but not cold) running water for 20 minutes. Remove clothing or jewellery provided it’s not stuck to the burn. Keep the child warm.

In what trimester is the baby ready to born?

third trimester
What to expect during the third trimester. The third trimester marks the home stretch, as you get ready for the birth of your baby. The fetus continues to grow in weight and size, and the body systems finish maturing.

How do you damage a pregnancy?

In this article, we discuss 13 things not to do while pregnant and explain why they can be problematic:

  1. Drinking alcohol.
  2. Eating certain foods.
  3. Too much caffeine.
  4. Hot tubs, saunas, and overheating.
  5. Contact sports.
  6. Activities with a fall risk.
  7. Amusement park rides.
  8. Heavy lifting.

Can inhaling smoke cause miscarriage?

What do we know about exposure to byproducts of burning? We know that very high levels of carbon monoxide in a pregnant woman can result in problems with a baby’s nervous system, or can result in miscarriage or birth defects. This happens at high levels in which a pregnant woman may lose consciousness.

What happens if you inhale smoke from fire?

Inhaling fine particles can cause a variety of health effects, including respiratory irritation and shortness of breath, and can worsen medical conditions such as asthma and heart disease. During increased physical exertion, cardiovascular effects can be worsened by exposure to carbon monoxide and particulate matter.