What does Massified mean?
What does Massified mean?
(transitive and intransitive, anthropology) To become, or cause to become, oriented toward mass production, mass consumption, and high throughput rather than individuality.
What does unquenchable mean?
Definition of unquenchable : unable to be quenched an unquenchable flame especially : not capable of being satisfied, quelled, or discouraged an unquenchable thirst/desire unquenchable optimism.
What means underqualified?
lacking sufficient qualifications
Definition of underqualified : lacking sufficient qualifications (such as adequate education and experience) for a particular job, assignment, etc. an underqualified candidate …
What is the of confined?
1 : kept within confines: such as. a : limited to a particular location confined to bed. b : held captive confined prisoners.
How do you spell the word that means to be confined?
This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity. limited or restricted. unable to leave a place because of illness, imprisonment, etc.
What are merrymakers?
noun. a person who gaily or enthusiastically takes part in some festive or merry celebration; reveler.
Is uncertificated a word?
adjective. Not officially recognized as possessing certain qualifications or meeting certain standards. ‘The owners were not treated as responsible for all the consequences of his having been uncertificated. ‘
Is unchartered a word?
“Unchartered” means “lacking a charter,” and is a word most people have little use for. “Uncharted” means “unmapped” or “unexplored,” so the expression meaning “to explore a new subject or area” is “enter uncharted territory.” Similarly, it’s uncharted regions, waters, and paths.
Is Uglification a real word?
Uglification definition The process of being made ugly or uglified.
What is a confined person?
3 adj If someone is confined to a wheelchair, bed, or house, they have to stay there, because they are disabled or ill.