What does C-section low transverse mean?
What does C-section low transverse mean?
A low transverse incision was made into your uterus during your cesarean. Your pelvis is not too small to accommodate a normal-sized baby. You are not having a multiple pregnancy. Your first cesarean was performed for breech presentation of the baby.
What is the surgical position of low segment caesarean section?
The lower-segment transverse uterine incision should be placed approximately 1 cm below the peritoneal incision. When an incision is made at a low position in the cervix, the uterine artery, uterine vein, and ureter are in close proximity to the outside of the incision.
What is the CPT code for primary low transverse cesarean section?
CPT® 59510, Under Cesarean Delivery Procedures.
What is a transverse incision C-section?
A C-section includes an abdominal incision and a uterine incision. After the abdominal incision, the health care provider will make an incision in the uterus. Low transverse incisions are the most common (top left).
Can transverse babies be delivered naturally?
It is almost impossible to deliver a transverse baby vaginally. So if a baby is still lying sideways at term or when labor begins, a C-section (caesarean) may be the safest option for delivering the baby.
Why is the low transverse uterine incision preferred for CS?
In instances when the fetus is very small, especially in case of a breech presentation, the small fetal head may become entrapped by the small low transverse incision space and uterine contractions, therefore classical cesarean section is desirable to prevent the fetal risk of intracranial hemorrhage.
Which is better vertical or horizontal C-section?
A vertical incision on the uterus causes less bleeding and better access to the fetus, but renders the mother unable to attempt a vaginal delivery (must have another repeat C-section) in the future.
What is included in CPT code 59430?
CPT® 59430 in section: Vaginal Delivery, Antepartum and Postpartum Care Procedures.
What does CPT code 59410 include?
CPT® 59410 in section: Vaginal delivery only (with or without episiotomy and/or forceps)
What is transverse incision used for?
Purpose: Both midline and transverse abdominal incisions are used for exposing the infrarenal aorta. Transverse incisions are said to cause less pulmonary and systemic complications, but the claimed advantages may be because most transverse incisions are extraperitoneal, whereas midline incisions are intraperitoneal.
Is it more uncomfortable to carry a transverse baby?
A less risky — but still very real — concern is that this position can be uncomfortable or even painful for the person carrying the baby. There are several other ways babies can position themselves in the womb: Vertex. Baby’s head is pointed down toward the vaginal canal.