What does RFEP mean in Lausd?

of Reclassified Fluent English Proficient
Notification of Reclassified Fluent English Proficient (RFEP) Student Progress – English.

What is redesignated RFEP?

Reclassification Determined by Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) Reclassification is the process whereby a student is reclassified from English learner (EL) status to Fluent English Proficient (RFEP) status.

What is an RFEP student?

RFEP: Reclassified Fluent English Proficient—This student was initially an English Learner, but has met the criteria for reclassification and is no longer in need of an additional support class.

Why is it important to reclassify?

Reclassifying a student as fully English proficient changes several aspects of students’ educational environment. At the high school level, reclassification has the potential to put students on an educational track that has access to resources that better prepare them for postsecondary education.

What does it mean to be reclassified?

transitive verb. : to move from one class, classification, or category to another : to classify again … in the 1980s, amphetamines were reclassified as controlled substances, which restricted their availability.— Stephen Rae reclassify the product to boost sales.

Can you reclassify in high school California?

Yes, the reclassification criteria apply to all English learners in grades K–12, including students with exceptional needs.

Can high schoolers Reclass?

Can you reclass as a Senior? VISAA Rules Prohibit Reclassification of Students who Have Started Their Senior Year. Although, a student athlete may choose to reclassify (repeat a grade level) and not lose a year of eligibility, provided they are full qualifiers after the first 8 semesters of High School.

What does it mean to reclassify in school?

What is Reclassification? Simply put, reclassification means your official high school graduation date is different from a typical four-year high school start. This could mean graduating earlier than your classmates or graduating later because you took the same classes over again and/or repeated a year in high school.

Can you reclassify in high school in California?

Who are Ltels?

learner (LTEL)” refers to English learner (EL) students who have been enrolled in a U.S. school. for six years or more and have not been. reclassified as fluent English proficient.

How can I reclassify my school?

It’s called reclassifying. That’s when a student-athlete and their parents make a conscious choice to be “held back” in high school, (and in some states, as early as middle school). It’s registering with a graduating class later than your original, with the intention of developing better grades and test scores.

Should I reclassify my son?

In some instances it can be considered necessary for an athlete to reclass in order to compete on the highest level. As parents we always try to put our children in the best possible position in all aspects of life. A reclassification can be just that, putting your child in the best possible position.