Where did my iPhoto events go?

Events are there: go to to View-> Show Sidebar. You should see all iPhoto Events if you imported iPhoto library to Photos.

What happens to iPhoto events in Photos?

Each event is viewed as a thumbnail, and when you mouse over that thumbnail, you can skim through the photos it contains. Viewing by events in iPhoto makes it easier to scroll through your photos, particularly when your library contains thousands upon thousands of photos.

How do I delete events from iPhoto on my iPhone?

Select the Event, and then do one of the following:

  1. Press Command-Delete.
  2. Choose Photos > “Move to Trash.” (If you’re in full-screen view, move your pointer to the top of the screen to make the menu bar appear.)
  3. Drag the Event to the Trash icon in the Source list.

What is the difference between album and iPhoto event?

The main difference between the iPhoto album and event is that in the album the copies of the photos are pulled from the event. Album pulls these images, and so if more images are added or deleted from an album, the original photos will not be affected.

How do I restore my iPhoto library?

I am using iphoto to store my pictures….The Solution: How to Safely Fix All This.

1 Switch to Library
If you are using iPhoto v.9 or later, with iPhoto loaded and active, go up and click on “File” and then click on “Switch to Library” from the list that comes down.
2 [option] Launch iPhoto

Why are some of my Photos missing in iPhoto?

So if you’re missing photos or videos, make sure the Hidden album is turned on so you can see it. If you use iCloud Photos, the photos that you hide on one device are hidden on your other devices too.

Are iPhoto events duplicates?

Each photo you import will appear in exactly one moment. You have only duplicates, if you are seeing the same photo in the library twice, and the second version has a different filename. Moments in Photos are the new Events, i.e. groupings of photos sorted by date taken.

How do I upload iPhoto events to iCloud?

Create a Photos library from your old iPhoto Library by dragging this library onto the Photos icon in the Dock. When this library opens in Photos, make it your Sytem Photo library in the Photos Preferences > general tab. Then enable it as your iCloud Photo Library in Photos Preferences. > iCloud.

What is an event album?

EventsAlbum is an online album where your guests can easily share all their photos from your event. You setup the event, create a QR code and link to your album from our site.

Why have my Photos disappeared from my Mac?

If the upgrade process fails, the volumes on the Mac machine may become inaccessible and leads to photo loss. Excessive disk fragmentation and access permission errors are some of the other reasons responsible for missing of images and other data files from the machine.

Why have some of my photos disappeared?

Step 1: Check your account Some photos can seem to disappear because you’re on a different account. Sign in to your Google Account. At the top, check that you’re signed in to the account where you backed up your photos.