How do you get into Ocean Reef Club?

There are only two ways to experience Ocean Reef Club, as a guest of a Member or through the pages of Living magazine. Complete and submit the registration form below for your complimentary copy.

What city is the Ocean Reef Club?

Key Largo
Located on the northernmost tip of Key Largo in the Florida Keys, Ocean Reef Club is considered one of the country’s most comprehensive private club communities.

How much does it cost to join Ocean Reef Club?

Summer Golf Membership

Package Cost Tax (7.5%)
Couple $1000.00 $75.00
Individual $800.00 $60.00
Young Adult (18-23) $500.00 $37.50
Dependent Child (Under 18) $300.00 $22.50

Do you have to be a member to stay at the Ocean Reef Club?

When you decide to own property in Ocean Reef Club, you must become an Equity member in order to use the Club’s facilities. You and your guests will enjoy all the amenities of the Club from Buccaneer Island lagoon, paddle boats, and pool to the array of restaurants and shops.

Who is the owner of Ocean Reef Club?

Timothy Taylor is the founder, owner and President of Ocean Reef Resorts. He founded Ocean Reef Resorts with his wife, Becky, in 1982. Tim and Becky met in Waikiki, where he was in the hotel business after attending the University of Hawaii College of Business Administration.

What company turns dead bodies into reefs?

Eternal Reefs
If that feels like your ideal funeral package, call up Florida-based funeral company Eternal Reefs. The firm started offering its ‘green burials’ – making reefs out of dead people – in 1998, and in the two decades since they’ve sunk over 2,500 new reefs off the east coast of the USA. So, how do they do it?

Who owns the Ocean Reef Club?

Is Ocean Reef Club a good place to work?

Is Ocean Reef Club a good company to work for? Ocean Reef Club has an overall rating of 3.5 out of 5, based on over 65 reviews left anonymously by employees. 46% of employees would recommend working at Ocean Reef Club to a friend and 38% have a positive outlook for the business.

How many members does the Ocean Reef Club have?

approximately 1,600 Equity Members
How many Members are there? There are approximately 1,600 Equity Members that own property at the Club. This includes docks and condominiums. Our Social and Local Members comprise a little over 2,000 additional memberships.

How many members does Ocean Reef Club have?

When was ocean reef built?

was formed in March 17, 1982.