What is Standardisation in the lab?
What is Standardisation in the lab?
Standardization in laboratory diagnostics entails the establishment of uniform test menus appropriate for the health care delivery level and the selection of standard technology platforms, including instruments, reagents, and consumables for each test at each level.
Why do you standardize a solution?
The so-called titer determination or standardization of a volumetric solution used for titration is one of the most important preconditions for reliable and transparent titration results. Accurate and reliable titration results are only achievable when we work with the exact concentration of the volumetric solution.
How do you prepare and standardize a solution?
(a) The mass of solute needed is calculated and weighed. (b) The solute is dissolved in some distilled water in a beaker. (c) The solution is transferred into a volumetric flask. (d) More distilled water is added to obtain the required volume.
What does standardizing a solution mean?
Standardization is the process of determining the exact concentration (molarity) of a solution. Titration is one type of analytical procedure often used in standardization. In a titration, an exact volume of one substance is reacted with a known amount of another substance.
What is the process of standardization?
Process standardization can be defined as the improvement of operational performance, cost reduction through decreased process errors, facilitation of communication, profiting from expert knowledge (Wüllenweber, Beimborn, Weitzel, & König, 2008, p.
Why do we standardize?
Data standardization is about making sure that data is internally consistent; that is, each data type has the same content and format. Standardized values are useful for tracking data that isn’t easy to compare otherwise. For example, suppose you and your friend went to different universities.
How do you prepare a laboratory solution?
Dissolve 93.52 g of NaCl in about 400 mL of distilled water, then add more water until final volume is 800 mL. If starting with a solution or liquid reagent: When diluting more concentrated solutions, decide what volume (V2) and molarity (M2) the final solution should be.
How do you standardize HCl?
Hydrochloric Acid Solution Standardization Weigh accurately about 1.5 g of anhydrous sodium carbonate, previously heated at about 270°C for 1 hour. Dissolve it in 100 ml of water and add 0.1 ml of methyl red solution. Add the acid slowly from a burette, with constant stirring, until the solution becomes faintly pink.
What do you mean by standardization of solution?