How do I search in KDE?

Add the widget Search to your panel or enable the search in KRunner to use the indexing results for faster access to your documents. Activate the Enable File Search item if you want to use desktop search capabilities in Dolphin and other KDE applications.

How do I customize my KDE desktop environment?

Step 1 – Install KDE Plasma Desktop Environment on Linux. Add the EPEL repository. Once complete, enable PowerTools. Set the default system target to graphical if you are running a minimal server as below. Reboot your system and switch to KDE Plasma.

What is Baloo search?

Baloo is the file indexing and file search framework for KDE Plasma, with a focus on providing a very small memory footprint along with with extremely fast searching.

How do I open KRunner?

The easiest way to open KRunner is to trigger its global shortcut (Alt+Space or Alt+F2, by default). In some activities (e.g. Desktop), you can simply click on the desktop and start typing. In others (e.g. Search and Launch), KRunner may be built into the activity itself.

How do I change my hotkey KRunner?

Go to System Settings > Workspace > Shortcuts > Custom Shortcuts. Tick the checkbox to the right of the name. In Trigger tab select the desired key combination.

How do you use KRunner?

You can use it to start applications, open web pages, access bookmarks, search through your desktop data, calculate short equations, and many more. Pressing Alt+Space or Alt+F2 opens the KRunner dialog. You just start typing and KRunner will start searching matches as soon as you’ve entered more than two characters.

How do I run KRunner?

What is Baloo file extractor doing?

Specifically, it is the file indexing and file search framework for KDE Plasma. Baloo is not an application, but a daemon to index files. Applications can use the Baloo framework to provide file search results. You can learn more about Baloo in the KDE Community Wiki.

How do I turn off my Baloo?

SDB:How to disable Baloo

  1. Open “System Settings” > “Search” > “File Search”.
  2. Uncheck “Enable file search” option and “Also index file content”.
  3. Click “Apply” button.