What is a rake classifier?

A type of mechanical classifier utilizing reciprocal rakes on an inclined plane to separate coarse from fine material contained in a water pulp, overflowing the fine material and discharging the coarse material by means of an inclined raking system.

What is classifier in mineral processing?

Classification, as defined by Heiskanen, is a method of separating mixtures of minerals into two or more products on the basis of the velocity with which the particles fall through a fluid medium. The carrying fluid can be a liquid or a gas.

How does a spiral classifier work?

The spiral classifier relies on the principle that the solid particles are different in size and specific gravity, so their sedimentation speed is different in the liquid. The slurry is stirred by spiral rotation at low speed so that fine particles are suspended in the slurry surface and overflow to the overflow weir.

What is a bowl classifier?

A bowl and rake classifier is typically used to separate coarse and fine particles of granular material temporarily suspended in water. The coarse particles settle to the bottom of the vessel and are scraped by a set of blades. The fine particles are carried over the edge of the classifier.

What is the use of rake?

A rake is a type of gardening or landscaping tool with a handle that ends in a head. You can use a rake for scooping, scraping, gathering, or leveling materials, such as soil, mulch, or leaves. Some rakes have flat heads; others have sharp metal tines that can break up compacted soil or rocks.

What is rake mechanism?

Rake lifts operate by raising the output shaft into the drive unit on S-series models and raising the entire drive unit on D-Series models. The lift mechanism is fully contained within the drive unit.

Which classifier is most important and widely used in mineral processing industry?

Spiral Classifier In mineral processing, the Akins AKA spiral or screw Classifier has been successfully used for so many years that most mill operators are familiar with its principle and operation.

How do you use a rake step by step?

Position your body properly.

  1. Your hand positions. When you hold the rake, grasp it with both hands and change your hand positions now and then as you rake.
  2. Your knees. Keep your knees slightly bent. Try not to bend too far forward at the waist.
  3. Your movement. It is helpful to move backwards as you rake.

What is rake torque?

It is the degree of torque that indicates to the operator the load that is in the thickener and when the rake arms have to be lifted.

What are the four main types of mineral processing?

Mineral processing can involve four general types of unit operation: comminution – particle size reduction; sizing – separation of particle sizes by screening or classification; concentration by taking advantage of physical and surface chemical properties; and dewatering – solid/liquid separation.