What is a symbol for prostate cancer?

Liver cancer: emerald green. Lymphoma: lime green. Prostate cancer: light blue. Stomach cancer: periwinkle blue.

What is the color of prostate cancer?

Colors and Months for Cancer-Related Ribbons

Cancer Ribbons
Pharyngeal cancer Burgundy and white April
Prostate cancer Light blue September
Rare diseases (including rare cancers) Black and white zebra-stripes
Rectal cancer Blue March

What is the symbol for cancer support?

All cancers A lavender ribbon is usually a sign of support for those living with all types of cancer. Sometimes, people wear a rainbow of ribbons or a ribbon with many different colors to symbolize the same thing. National Cancer Prevention Month and World Cancer Day take place in February each year.

What is the color ribbon for cancer?

Cancer Ribbon Color Chart

Type of Cancer Ribbon Color Awareness Month
Breast cancer Pink October
Cervical cancer Teal/white January
Childhood cancer Gold September
Colon cancer Dark blue March

What does a teal ribbon symbolize?

A teal ribbon is used to raise awareness for ovarian cancer, rape, food allergies, Tourette Syndrome, and many other causes. The full list of teal ribbon meanings includes: Agoraphobia. Anaphylaxis.

Is there a Prostate Cancer Awareness Month?

September is Prostate Cancer Awareness Month.

Does prostate cancer have a ribbon?

The light blue ribbons you see in September are for National Prostate Cancer Awareness Month. Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers in America.

What is normal PSA for a 60 year old man?

0-2.5: Normal for a man 40-50 yrs. 2.5-3.5: Normal for a man 50-60 yrs. 3.5-4.5: Normal for a man 60-70 yrs. 4.5-5.5: Normal for a man 70-80 yrs.

What cancer is gold ribbon?

The internationally recognised symbol for childhood cancer is the gold ribbon. During Childhood Cancer Awareness Month (CCAM) each September, we encourage our supporters to wear a gold ribbon to help raise awareness.

What does an orange ribbon around a tree mean?

They devised the Orange Ribbon Campaign to bring visibility to the issue. Tying ribbons to mail posts and trees around the community would show support to those affected by racism as well as make a statement that yes, racism exists here.