Is the last word quest still available?

Unfortunately, the Destiny Content Vault came along and removed that content entirely from the game, which means you can no longer do that Quest for The Last Word and you won’t get to appreciate the backstory around the gun. You can still get The Last Word, however. You just need to buy it in the game, instead.

How do I get the last word exotic hand cannon?

Like all of the older exotics, you can only get The Last Word from the Monument to Lost Lights weapon vault in the Tower….In order to craft the weapon, you’ll need to bring a hefty list of materials:

  1. 1x Exotic Cipher.
  2. 125,000 Glimmer.
  3. 200 Etheric Spiral.
  4. 1x Ascendant Shard.

Is the last word exotic good?

In other words, The Last Word is an excellent close-range weapon to use in the Crucible or any other PvP situation. There are a couple of different strategies that put fights in favor of anyone using this Hand Cannon, and its specific skill set allows it to pair nicely with a variety of weapons.

What does the soon exotic quest give you?

You can pick up the Soon quest from the Exo Stranger. Complete it to unlock the No Time to Explain Exotic Catalyst. As for what the No Time to Explain Exotic Catalyst does, well, it improves the frequency of projectiles through the Time-Slip.

How do you get Ace of Spades in 2021?

How do you get Ace of Spades Destiny 2?

  1. Step 1: Complete Forsaken’s opening mission ‘Last Call’, then visit the Gunsmith in the Tower.
  2. Step 2: Finish the main story.
  3. Step 3: Return to the Gunsmith in the Tower.
  4. Step 4: In Gambit, kill enemies or invaders with a Hand Cannon.

Is there a last word catalyst?

Catalyst: last word has reverted to its D1 status and can now 111 headshot across the map.

Is the ace of spades good?

It’s great against single powerful targets aided by ads. In general, it’s a fantastic weapon for those who have great aim and can consistently get the precision kills. For those who don’t have good aim, the weapon still offers some perks with Memento Mori, but a different weapon may be a better choice.

Can you get Cloudstrike?

Unlike some other Exotic weapons, players cannot get Cloudstrike just by finishing one quest. Instead, Guardians will be grinding the Empire Hunts game mode for the sniper to randomly drop. The first step towards getting it involves speaking to the new Beyond Light NPC, Variks.

How do you get the 2022 No time To Explain catalyst?

You can get the No Time To Explain catalyst by completing the “Soon” quest, an Exotic Quest that can be obtained from Exo Stranger. The Blast from the Side perk can be obtained after unlocking the No Time To Explain catalyst by defeating 700 enemies with the Exotic Pulse Rifle.