How do I prepare my child for phonics screening?

You can help your child prepare for their Phonics Screening Check by going over the phonics they’ve learned in Reception and Year 1. Read new books and stories with them where they will be introduced to new words that they’ll have to sound out, and review the phonics sounds and rules.

What is the Year 1 phonics screening test?

Officially named the Phonics Screening Check, the year 1 phonics test occurs in the month of June when all year 1 pupils, and some year 2 pupils, will take a test to assess their phonics abilities. The test is designed to see if pupils have learnt phonic decoding and blending skills to an appropriate standard.

What is the pass mark for Year 1 phonics test?

32 words out of 40 correctly
To pass the Phonics Screening Test, children have to read at least 32 words out of 40 correctly to their teacher. Here is Exam Ninja’s recommendations to help ensure your child passes their Phonics Screening Test: Preparation. The Year 1 Phonics Screening simply asks them to read 40 words.

What is the pass score for phonics screening?

32 out of 40
The pass mark for the 2021 Phonics Screening Check is 32 out of 40, meaning children need to correctly read out loud to their teacher at least 32 of the 40 words.

What phase phonics should Year 1 be on?

Phase 5 phonics Phase 5 generally takes children the whole of Year 1. ‘Here, we start introducing alternative spellings for sounds, like ‘igh’,” says Sara. ‘Children master these in reading first, and as their fluency develops, we begin to see them using them correctly in spelling.

Which sounds are in the phonics screening test?

Content of the phonics screening check

  • single letters (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, I, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q(u), r, s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z)
  • some consonant digraphs (ch, ck, ff, ll, ng, sh, ss, th, zz)
  • frequent and consistent vowel digraphs (ar, ee, oi, oo,or)