What is the average golfer?

According to the USGA, the average score for recreational players is 91 on a par 72 golf course. These numbers take into account everyone who actively records their scores and reports them online, and since a lot of golfers don’t do this, the average golf score for all golfers is much closer to 100.

How good is a 15 handicap golfer?

If you are in the 10 to 15 handicap range, you are well above average and would be considered good by most standards. For the rest of the golfers near the middle and above, it is all about practice and experience. Most golfers do not become good without years of dedication and effort.

What is the average handicap for the average golfer?

1. The average handicap index for men is 14.2. 2. The average handicap index for women is 27.5.

Is a 10 handicap a good golfer?

If a golfer has a handicap between 10 and 18, she is a skilled player with a moderate handicap.

Is 110 a good golf score?

In fact, research by the USGA’s Handicap Research Team says that not only will golfers only play to their handicap or better about 25% of the time but they will on average score 3 strokes higher than their course handicap….

80 to 89 21%
90 to 99 29%
100 to 109 24%
110 to 119 10%

What percent of golfers can break 80?

Only about 2 percent of all golfers ever break 80, which generally is considered the Holy Grail of scoring. To legitimately break 80 — no improved lies; no 3-foot gimmes; no free drop from out of bounds — is to breathe the rarefied air of good, if not great golf.

What percentage of golfers can break 100?

Certainly, golfers who struggle to break 100 — it has been estimated that fewer than 25 percent of all golfers ever make it — hold little sympathy for the break-90 golfer who whines about shooting 81.

What percentage of golfers ever break 90?

According to data from the National Golf Foundation, only 26 percent of all golfers shoot below 90 consistently on regulation 18-hole courses; 45 percent of all golfers average more than 100 strokes per round.”