What is a flow ratio controller?
What is a flow ratio controller?
Flow Ratio Controllers Widely used in a variety of flow splitting applications such as etching, stripping, and PECVD, the DELTA™ Flow Ratio Controller (FRC) provides users with the ability to distribute gas or gas mixtures to different zones in a process chamber.
What is ratio flow?
Ratio Relay or Flow Fraction Controller The flow fraction (ratio) controller is a preconfigured option in many modern computer based DCS or advanced PLC control systems. It provides exactly the same functionality as the ratio relay combined with a single-input single-output controller as discussed above.
What is the objective of ratio control?
The objective of ratio control system is to maintain the ratio of two variables at a specified value. In this figure the ratio control system consists of the flow transmitter which senses the flow rate of the first pipe and second flow control.
What is the purpose and function of the ratio control motor?
The only purpose served by the ratio control system is to match the pigment flow rate to the wild (base) flow rate, so the same ratio of pigment to base will always be maintained regardless of total flow rate.
How is control ratio calculated?
- Capacity ratio = (Actual hours / Budgeted hours) x 100.
- Activity ratio = (Actual production in standard hours / Budgeted production in standard hours) x 100.
- Efficiency ratio = (Actual production in standard hours / Actual hours worked) x 100.
Why Cascade control is used?
Cascade control involves the use of two discrete control loops. The first control loop provides the set point for the second proportional integral derivative (PID) control loop. This system is designed to provide improved response to non-linear gains and disturbances in the heating systems.
Why is ratio control useful in process control?
Ratio control is used to ensure that two or more process variables such as material flows are kept at the same ratio even if they are changing in value. In industrial control, examples of ratio control that come to mind are: Burner air/fuel ratio. Mixing and blending two liquids.
Which term describes a control system in which controlled flow is added proportionately to an uncontrolled flow?
Acid flow. Water flow. 10. Which term describes a control system in which controlled flow is added proportionately to an uncontrolled flow? Selective control.
What is ratio control Example?
Which is cascade control?
Cascade control involves the use of two controllers with the output of the first controller providing the set point for the second controller, the feedback loop for one controller nestling inside the other (Figure 13.19). Such a system can give a improved response to disturbances.
What does control ratio mean?
What are control ratios? Under a budgetary control system, actual performance is compared to budgeted performance to enable the identification of variances. When deviations or variances are expressed in terms of ratios, these ratios are referred to as control ratios.
What is ratio control explain with an example?
The ratio controller manipulates the other flow to maintain the desired ratio between the two flows. The flow controlled by the ratio controller is called the controlled flow. For example, when treating drinking water with chlorine, the water is the wild flow, and the chlorine is the controlled flow.