How do I password protect a PDF file in Linux?

How to password-protect a PDF file on Ubuntu

  1. sudo apt-get install pdftk.
  2. pdftk output user_pw
  3. pdftk input.pdf output output.pdf user_pw 1234.

How do I add password protection to a PDF?

Open the PDF and choose Tools > Protection > Encrypt > Encrypt with Password 6. If you receive a prompt, click Yes to change the security. 7. Select Require A Password To Open The Document, then type the password in the corresponding field.

How do I password protect a PDF in 2020?

Add a password to a PDF

  1. Open the PDF in Acrobat DC.
  2. Choose File > Protect Using Password. Alternatively, you can choose Tools > Protect > Protect Using Password.
  3. Select if you want to set the password for Viewing or Editing the PDF.
  4. Type and retype your password.
  5. Click Apply.

Can you password protect a PDF for free?

Follow these easy steps to create a PDF password: Click the Select a file button above or drag and drop a PDF into the drop zone. Enter a password, then retype it to confirm the password. Click Set password.

How do I password protect a file in Ubuntu?

Method 2: Lock files with Cryptkeeper

  1. Cryptkeeper in Ubuntu Unity.
  2. Click on New encrypted folder.
  3. Name the folder and select its location.
  4. Provide a password.
  5. Password protected folder successfully created.
  6. Access encrypted folder.
  7. Enter the password.
  8. Locked folder in access.

How do I password protect a PDF without Acrobat?

How to Password Protect a PDF File Without Acrobat

  1. Open a Word document via Microsoft Word.
  2. Click File and choose Save As.
  3. Select Browse where the PDF will be saved.
  4. Pick PDF (*.pdf) from the Save as type dropdown.
  5. Hit the Option button.
  6. Enable the Encrypt the document with a password option then click OK.

How do I password protect a PDF in Google Chrome?

Protect PDFs with a password on your Chromebook.

  1. Choose the Select A File button, or drag and drop your PDF into the drop zone to upload.
  2. Create a password between six and 32 characters.
  3. Enter the password and retype it to confirm.
  4. Click Set Password.

How do I password protect a folder in Linux Mint?

​It works out of the box for Linux Mint 18. After installing Cryptkeeper, it runs in the system tray. To create an encrypted folder, click on the tray icon and select New Encrypted Folder. Type the name of the folder, select the location of the folder and then enter your password to secure the folder.