What is an echocardiogram bubble test?

An Echo Bubble Study is an injection of saline after agitation with air to create micro-bubbles that are ultrasound reflective into a vein in order to reach and opacify the right heart chambers, the coronary sinus in cases of persistent left superior vena cava (PLSVC), or the pericardium during pericardiocentesis.

How long does an echocardiogram with bubble study take?

The scan usually takes about 30 minutes. Once completed the gel is wiped off the chest and you can then get dressed. The physiologist will complete the analysis and report the echo study after you have left. If you are seeing your cardiologist immediately after the scan, the report will be ready for your appointment.

Why is a bubble study done with echocardiogram?

During certain portions of the imaging, saline with bubbles is injected into the vein. This enables the cardiologist to see if there is a tiny hole between the upper chambers of the heart known as a PFO (patent foramen ovale) or ASD (atrial septal defect).

What are the risks of a bubble echocardiogram?

If bubbles appear after three heart cycles, intrapulmonary shunting may be present. The risk of air microemboli may be a concern with the introduction of agitated saline, especially if air emboli travel to the left side of the heart and are subsequently ejected into the systemic circulation.

How is a bubble study performed?

During a bubble study, a sterile salt solution is shaken until tiny bubbles form and then is injected into a vein. The bubbles travel to the right side of your heart and appear on the echocardiogram. If there’s no hole between the left atrium and right atrium, the bubbles will simply be filtered out in the lungs.

What are the symptoms of hole in heart?


  • Shortness of breath, especially when exercising.
  • Fatigue.
  • Swelling of legs, feet or belly (abdomen)
  • Irregular heartbeats (arrhythmias)
  • Sensation of a rapid, pounding heartbeat (palpitations) or skipped beats.
  • Whooshing sound that can be heard through a stethoscope (heart murmur)

What happens when a bubble study is positive?

Bubble Test Results No bubbles should be seen on the far side of the heart. However, if bubbles do appear on the left side of the heart, this is a positive test and strongly indicates the presence of a hole in the heart.

Does a bubble test hurt?

Will it hurt? The TCD ultrasound exam is non-invasive and painless. You will feel a needle stick when the IV is placed in your arm.

Can a bubble study cause a stroke?

Discussion. The present study found that TIA and small strokes can occur in patients undergoing BS. Our patients experienced symptoms of brain ischemia at the time of, or immediately after, the injection of microbubbles. Both cardiac and pulmonary right to left shunts were implicated.

Can an echocardiogram show a hole in the heart?

An echocardiogram (or echo) uses sound waves to show a picture of your child’s heart and heart valves while they’re moving. Echo tests can diagnose ASDs because they show how much blood flows through the hole in your child’s atrial septum. Echo tests can also see how big this hole is.