Where magnetic field is uniform in solenoid?

The Magnetic field are uniform inside the looping area of the solenoid. The field lines don’t intersect each other. When the current is passed through it a nearly uniform magnetic field is set up in the interior and along the axis of solenoid.

What is the magnetic field like inside a solenoid?

Solenoids. A solenoid is a long coil of wire. When a direct electric current is passed through it, the shape of the magnetic field is very similar to the field of a bar magnet. The field inside a solenoid is strong and uniform.

Is magnetic field inside a solenoid zero?

Note: For a very long solenoid the magnetic field outside will be zero and magnetic will be present only inside the solenoid.

Where is magnetic field maximum in solenoid?

found to be maximum at the centre.

Why is the magnetic field zero outside a solenoid?

The magnetic field lines exist outside the solenoid, but the number of field lines per unit area outside the solenoid is much less compared to the number of lines per unit area inside the solenoid. Hence the magnetic field outside is so feeble that it is considered to be practically zero.

What is the magnetic field inside a long solenoid?

The magnetic field inside a long straight solenoid-carrying current is the same at all points. It is because the magnetic field in the solenoid is constant because the lines are completely parallel to each other.

Which part of the magnetic field is a uniform field?

The region in between the poles shows equally spaced, parallel lines. This is called a uniform field.

Is magnetic field uniform outside a solenoid?

Since we can arbitrarily change the dimensions of the loop and get the same result, the only physical explanation is that the integrands are actually equal, that is, the magnetic field inside the solenoid is radially uniform.

Is magnetic field outside the solenoid zero?

Why the strength of magnetic field is uniform inside the solenoid?

As the current flowing through the loops in solenoid carry same amount of current, the field lines produced by individual loops join/augment each other to produce uniform magnetic field.

Where is the magnetic field lowest in a solenoid?

(ii) There is a minimum value of magnetic field at a point outside the solenoid near the middle of solenoid and (iii) half of the maximum value at a point near the end of the solenoid.

What is the magnetic field at the end of a solenoid?

The magnetic field at the ends of a very long current carrying solenoid is half of that at the centre.