What is the meaning of with great freedom comes great responsibility?

FL is a label of responsibility. It says to the world that you wish to take full responsibility for your education–what you learn, how you learn it and who you learn with and from. It also says that you are mature, respectful and considerate enough to handle the freedom. ​

How does responsibility relate to freedom?

Freedom is the ability to set your schedule, to decide on the work you do, to make decisions. Responsibility is being held accountable for your actions. It might involve figuring out how to get paid for your work, owning your mistakes or having others count on you.

Who said the quote with great power comes great responsibility?

In 1906, Winston Churchill, as Under-Secretary of the Colonial Office, said: “Where there is great power there is great responsibility,” even indicating that it was already a cultural maxim invoked toward government at the time.

Can there be freedom without responsibility?

Freedom is the total harmony in which responsibility is as natural as the flower in the field. That response is not induced or imposed; it is the natural outcome of freedom. Without responsibility, there is no freedom. To respond to every challenge out of freedom is responsibility.

How did Mary use her freedom responsibility?

In acting on the Word, Mary displays the freedom for making a sacrifice, taking responsibility, and bearing the cost of love. When she said “let it be to me according to your word” (1:38), she followed through on that “yes”, all the way to the end. Power like borders on the divine.

What is the relationship between freedom and moral responsibility?

A long-standing position in philosophy, law, and theology is that a person can be held morally responsible for an action only if they had the freedom to choose and to act otherwise. Thus, many philosophers consider freedom to be a necessary condition for moral responsibility.

Should responsibility be attached to our freedom?

Freedom and responsibility are mutual and inseparable; we can ensure enjoyment of the one only by exercising the other. Freedom for all of us depends on responsibility by each of us. To secure and expand our liberties, therefore, we accept these responsibilities as individual members of a free society.

How do you balance freedom and responsibility?

Manage Your Time. Balance your freedom and responsibility by managing your time. After figuring out your class (and/or work, internship, volunteering, etc) schedule, go through your calendar and set aside a specific time just for studying and homework.

What is the origin of With great power comes great responsibility?

“With great power there must also come great responsibility”—or simply “With great power comes great responsibility”—alternatively known as the Peter Parker principle, is a proverb popularized by the Spider-Man comic books written by Stan Lee.

Why freedom is not a freedom without responsibility?

What can you do to exercise your freedom responsibly?

Here are a few helpful ways for you to do that:

  1. Know your limits. Our Virtual Bar can help.
  2. Eat a full meal.
  3. Drink at your own pace.
  4. Drink water.
  5. Plan ahead.