How do I get my footer to stay at the bottom of content?

To make a footer fixed at the bottom of the webpage, you could use position: fixed. < div id = “footer” >This is a footer. This stays at the bottom of the page.

How do I make my footer stick to the bottom of my flex?

Just add margin-top: auto; to the footer. That will cause it to stick to the bottom of its container.

Why is my footer not at the bottom of my page?

However, if the page has a short amount of content on it, a statically positioned footer may not render at the bottom of the user’s browser window. A sticky footer will guarantee that it is always placed at the bottom of the browser window AND after all the content, regardless of the length of content on the page.

What position should a footer be?

The footer should be positioned at the bottom of the page when the content is empty. The footer should be ‘pushed’ down when the content exceeds the height of the page.

How do you make a footer sticky?

Method 1: (fixed height footer) Apply display:flex and flex-direction:column to the body . Apply flex:1 ( flex-grow:1 ) to the main element. The main element will grow vertically to occupy any empty space, thus making the footer stick to the bottom.

How do you make a footer flexible?

The paddings and margins are just to be a little pretty, but the magic happens with display: flex; min-height: 100vh; flex-direction: column; and flex: 1; . Show activity on this post. You may need to sort out some margin/padding for the text with media queries but the footer dimensions will be dynamic without them.

How do I align the footer at the bottom of the page in Word?

Click VIEW > Ruler. Double-click the header or footer area. Press CTRL+A. On the ruler, drag the right indent marker.

How do I fix the footer in Word?

Edit your existing headers and footers

  1. Double-click the header or footer you want to edit, or select Header or Footer, and then select Edit Header or Edit Footer.
  2. Add or change text for the header or footer or do any of the following:
  3. When you’re done, select Close Header and Footer or press Esc.