How does locomotor training work?

In a Locomotor Training session, the individuals body is suspended in a harness over a treadmill while specially trained therapists and technicians move his/her legs to simulate walking. In addition to improving mobility in certain patients, Locomotor Training has been shown to enhance the overall health of patients.

What is locomotive therapy?

Locomotor training is an activity-based therapy to help improve and recover walking movement through challenged practice and lower extremity weight bearing.

What is overground locomotor training?

Overground Locomotor Training Program Guided by the proposed framework, we developed an OLT program with the specific goal of improving overground walking following chronic motor-incomplete SCI. The program includes 24 sessions completed over 12 weeks on nonconsecutive days.

What is spinal rehabilitation?

Spinal cord injury (SCI) treatment and rehabilitation focuses on aggressively working with patients physically and psychologically, so that in a short period of time patients can maximize their neurological recovery and general health.

What is locomotor machine?

Body-weight-supported locomotor training uses specialized body-weight-supported treadmill systems. Locomotor training suspends the participant in a harness over a treadmill while either a specially trained team or the robotic system moves the participant’s legs to simulate walking.

What is gait training exercises?

Gait training commonly involves walking on a treadmill and completing muscle strengthening activities. You may wear a harness while walking on the treadmill or doing other exercises. Your therapist may also ask you to practice stepping over objects, lifting your legs, sitting down, standing up, or other activities.

What is musculoskeletal rehabilitation?

A musculoskeletal rehabilitation (rehab) program is a doctor-supervised program designed for people with impairments or disabilities due to disease, disorders, or injury to the muscles, tendons, ligaments, or bones.

Is collapse a locomotor movement?

COLLAPSE NON- LOCOMOTOR MOVEMENTS To deliberately drop the exertion of energy into a body segment.

What are the different types of gait?

What are some types of gait disorders?

  • Propulsive gait. This type of gait is seen in patients with parkinsonism.
  • Scissors gait. This type of gait gets its name because the knees and thighs hit or cross in a scissors-like pattern when walking.
  • Spastic gait.
  • Steppage gait.
  • Waddling gait.