How big do snake neck turtles get?

11 inches
The snake-necked turtle can grow up to 11 inches (28 centimeters), and its neck can be more than half the length of its shell. Males are typically smaller than females and have longer, thinner tails.

How big do eastern long neck turtles get?

around 25cm long
The Eastern Long-necked Turtle (Chelodina longicollis) or snake-necked turtle grows it’s shell to around 25cm long, and has a neck almost as long. The shell is red-brown or black on the upper shell and a creamy-yellow lower shell. Dark brown markings along the shell are also very common.

How big is a turtle’s neck?

The neck is long and narrow, typical of the subgenus Chelodina, and reaches a length of approximately 60% of the carapace length. The neck has numerous small pointed tubercles and is grey to black in color dorsally, cream below, as is the narrow head. Females tend to grow to larger sizes and have deeper bodies.

Can you have a snake-necked turtle as a pet?

The eastern long-necked turtle (Chelodina longicollis), also known as the snake-necked turtle, is a common pet in its native Australia. To keep these animals healthy you’ll need a habitat that recreates this environment.

Do eastern long neck turtles shed?

The Eastern snake-necked turtle sheds both their shell and their skin as they grow. When they are swimming, the shedding skin can appear as a floating, web-like slime around their legs and body, almost like a messy petticoat.

Can eastern long neck turtles eat fruit?

They are scavengers and grazers and eat a more varied diet. Feed as for the long-neck turtle but also offer vegetables and fruits such as spinach, broccoli, cabbage, pumpkin, parsley, apples, pears and stone fruits. You can also give some native freshwater plants such as Duckweed, Ribbon Weed and Nardoo.

Are long neck turtles friendly?

This fascinating and peculiar looking turtle can grow up to a foot in carapace length and has a long winding neck (which gives this species their common name). While they are friendly, gentle, calm and interactive with people, they can be a challenging pet to care for and require much attention.

How long can long neck turtles hold their breath for?

In the study, turtles held their breath for an average of 35 minutes when undisturbed.

What turtle has the longest neck?

Snake-necked turtles
Snake-necked turtles are a group of side-necked turtles with necks that range from nearly as long as to slightly longer than the shell. They inhabit the waterways of Australia and southern New Guinea and possess the longest neck of any group of turtles in the world.

How long do snake neck turtles live?

50 years old
Eastern snake-necked turtles can live up to 50 years old and grow to a shell length of 25 cm.

How long do snake neck turtles live in captivity?

thirty to seventy-five years
If basic guidelines are followed, then your turtle should thrive in captivity and may even breed for you. Turtles are renowned for their longevity and provided your pet remains healthy, may live for thirty to seventy-five years in your care.