Where is RSU 30 in Maine?

31 Winn Road Lee, ME

District Name: RSU 30/MSAD 30 schools for this district NCES District ID: 2311220
Mailing Address: 31 Winn Road Lee, ME 04455 Physical Address: 31 Winn RD. Lee, ME 04455
Type: Local school district Status: Open
Supervisory Union #: N/A Grade Span: (grades PK – 12) PK KG 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

What does RSU stand for in Maine schools?

Regional School Units
Maine’s school administrative units (SAUs) use the following school governance structures: Regional School Units. A regional school unit (RSU) is a combination of two or more municipalities that pool their educational resources to educate all students.

What is the best school system in Maine?

Top School Districts in Maine, 2020

Rank School District City
1 Falmouth Public Schools Falmouth
2 Yarmouth Schools Yarmouth
3 Rsu 51/Msad 51 Cumberland
4 Cape Elizabeth Public Schools Cape Elizabeth

What RSU is Brunswick Maine?

2021 All Schools

School Name School ID SAU
Brunswick Jr High School 99 Brunswick Public Schools
Buckfield Jr-Sr High School 763 RSU 10
Bucksport High School 105 RSU 25
Bucksport Middle School 107 RSU 25

What school district is Baileyville Maine?

Baileyville Public Schools
Baileyville Public Schools is a public school district located in BAILEYVILLE, ME. It has 337 students in grades PK, K-12 with a student-teacher ratio of 11 to 1.

What RSU is Winthrop Maine?

Number of Schools in Nearby School Districts

Category Value
Rsu 02 3
Rsu 11/msad 11 1
Winthrop Public 1
Maine Virtual Academy 1

How many saus are there in Maine?

Maine School Administrative District (MSAD or SAD) are school districts in Maine. There are a total of 52 MSADs.

Does Maine have a good school system?

82. LIMESTONE, Maine — Maine schools took four of the top 1,000 spots nationwide in a new ranking of the best public high schools in the country, according to Niche, a Pittsburgh-based provider of information on neighborhoods, colleges and K-12 schools.

Is Maine a good place to teach?

PORTLAND, Maine (WMTW) – Maine has been ranked one of the worst states in the country for teachers, according to the financial website WalletHub. Maine ranked 49th overall. Only the District of Columbia and New Hampshire were rated lower than Maine.

What RSU is Portland Maine?

RSU 54/MSAD 54.

What is the biggest school district in Maine?

Portland Public Schools

  • grade B+
  • Total schools 17.
  • Students 6,779.