How do you make an alphabet dice?

Dice 1: A, B, C, D, E, F. Dice 2: G, H, I, J, K, L (I added a line to the top and bottom of the I as I tend to do to make it look nicer) Dice 3: M, N, O, P, Q, R. Dice 4: S, T, U, V, W, X.

How do you play the dice game with letters?

Roll the dice and have the class identify the letter or sound it lands on. Roll the dice and have children find that letter in the room. Roll the dice and have children find something that begins with that letter sound in the room. Roll the dice and have children erase that letter from the whiteboard.

What are letter dice for?

Letter Dice. This application rolls a dice with letters instead of the numbers 1 to 6. It can be used to get a random letter from either A to Z or a custom set for all sorts of games or in the office.

How do you make alphabet blocks?


  1. 1 Print out the template. Print out either of these cube templates on A4 or Letter size cardstock.
  2. 2Cut out. Cut out the template pieces.
  3. 3Fold. Fold the template along the inside lines.
  4. 4Glue the sides together.
  5. 5Let the glue dry.
  6. 6Make squares with letters.
  7. 7Glue the letter squares.
  8. 8Make more alphabet blocks.

How do you play Scribbage?

The person to the left of the caller starts the play, which is played and pegged as in normal cribbage. When the play is finished the caller counts his hand using the up card and pegs that amount. Each of the other player then do the same. Any player whose count exceeds that of the “caller” pegs five extra points.

What shape is the Scattergories dice?

One player rolls a 20-sided letter die to determine the first letter used. The timer is set for up to three minutes.

How do you make DIY alphabet blocks?


  1. Start by tracing your blocks on your scrapbook paper. I used 12 small sheets of paper in six different colors/patterns.
  2. Paint the wooden blocks.
  3. Cut out your squares.
  4. Choose six squares per block.
  5. Glue them on.
  6. Cut out your letters.
  7. Adhere the letters.
  8. Let your blocks dry completely.

How do you play Scrabble dice?

Each player has 12 turns to score words into either the crossword section or the dice section on their scorepads. The crossword section works similarly to a traditional Scrabble board, so words must interlock and can score double and triple word and letter scores.

How do you play crib wars?

Classification. A plastic cribbage board like no other, Crib Wars has 363 holes from start to finish instead of the usual 121. Along the twisting track are slide-aheads, reverse loops, shortcuts and setbacks that the players must follow if they land on certain spaces via play, hand or crib count.