What is mesosome and its function?
What is mesosome and its function?
Mesosome is a convoluted membranous structure formed in a prokaryotic cell by the invagination of the plasma membrane. Its functions are as follows: These extensions help in the synthesis of the cell membrane, replication of DNA, protein synthesis.
What does mesosome mean?
Definition of mesosome : an organelle of bacteria that appears as an invagination of the plasma membrane and functions either in DNA replication and cell division or excretion of exoenzymes.
What is a mesosome Class 11?
Mesosome is a convoluted membranous structure formed by the infoldings of the plasma membrane in the form of vesicles, tubules, or lamellar whorls. It is to be noted that all prokaryotic cells have Mesosomes. Prokaryotic cells have distinct nuclear envelopes and nucleolus absent.
What is mesosome BYJU’s?
Answer: A special structure known as mesosome is formed by an extension of the plasma membrane into the cell wall. These extensions are usually in the form of vesicles, tubules, and lamellae. The main use of mesosomes are.
What are mesosomes in prokaryotes?
Mesosomes are the infoldings of the cell membrane in a prokaryotic cell. They are thought to take part in cell division, DNA replication and also a site of oxidative phosphorylation. They are thought to be analogous to the mitochondrial cristae in eukaryotes.
Where are mesosomes found?
Complete answer: Mesosomes are found in several heterotrophic bacteria. These invaginated structures are in the form of vesicles, tubules of lamellar whorls. It is present in cytoplasm which aids in increasing the surface area in photosynthetic prokaryotes, cyanobacteria, wherein it carries the photosynthetic pigments.
What is the function of a mesosomes in bacteria?
Mesosomes are unique membranous bacterial structures that actively function in cell injury and physiological cellular processes, such as replication and separation of nucleoids and oxidative phosphorylation.
What is mesosome in prokaryotic?
What is mesosome in prokaryotic cell Class 12?
Mesosomes are the infoldings of the cell membrane in a prokaryotic cell. They are thought to take part in cell division, DNA replication and also a site of oxidative phosphorylation.
What is the function of mesosome in prokaryotic cell Class 11?
Complete answer: – The mesosome has roles in aerobic respiration and cell wall formation in prokaryotes. They are also known as chondroid. – The main function of the mesosome is to increase the surface area of the cell, thus helping in aerobic respiration.