What is the pre Botzinger complex?

The pre-Bötzinger complex (preBötC) is a neural network responsible for inspiration during respiratory activity. In 1991, the preBötC was described as a region of the ventral medulla oblongata containing the neural pathway necessary to generate respiratory rhythm in neonatal rat brainstem preparations.

What is the Retrotrapezoid nucleus?

The retrotrapezoid nucleus (RTN) is located in the rostral medulla oblongata close to the ventral surface and consists of a bilateral cluster of glutamatergic neurons that are non-aminergic and express homeodomain transcription factor Phox2b throughout life.

What is the ventral respiratory group?

The ventral respiratory group (VRG) is a column of neurons that fire action potentials in phase with respiration. It includes neurons depolarizing during inspiration (inspiratory, or I neurons) and expiration (expiratory, or E neurons). The pre-Bötzinger is in the rostral VRG.

What does Botzinger complex do?

Function. The Bötzinger complex plays an important role in controlling breathing and responding to hypoxia. The Bötzinger complex consists primarily of glycinergic neurons which inhibit respiratory activity.

Where is the pontine respiratory group located?

dorsal lateral pons
The pontine respiratory group is located in the dorsal lateral pons and contains both inspiratory and expiratory neurons. It includes the nucleus parabranchialis medialis and the Kölliker-Fuse nucleus.

Where is the Retrotrapezoid nucleus?

rostral medulla oblongata
The retrotrapezoid nucleus (RTN) is located in the rostral medulla oblongata close to the ventral surface and consists of a bilateral cluster of glutamatergic neurons that are non-aminergic and express homeodomain transcription factor Phox2b throughout life.

Where is the rostral medulla?

The rostral ventromedial medulla (RVM), or ventromedial nucleus of the spinal cord, is a group of neurons located close to the midline on the floor of the medulla oblongata (myelencephalon). The rostral ventromedial medulla sends descending inhibitory and excitatory fibers to the dorsal horn spinal cord neurons.

Where is the ventral respiratory group located?

the medulla
The VRG is located in the ventrolateral region of the medulla as shown in Figure 6.6. 3. It has both inspiratory or I neurons that fire action potentials during the inspiratory phase of the respiratory cycle, and expiratory or E neurons that fire action potentials during the expiratory phase.

Is ventral respiratory group voluntary?

The ventral respiratory group controls voluntary forced exhalation and acts to increase the force of inspiration.