How do you know what size arrow shaft to use?
How do you know what size arrow shaft to use?
The standard way to measure arrow length is from the back of the point to the throat of the nock. Your draw length and arrow spine will influence your arrow length. If you’re a 28-inch draw length and want an arrow that ends at the front of the riser, your arrow length would be around 27 inches.
What is the difference in arrow shaft size?
A thicker shaft provides greater stiffness. Aluminum and carbon-fiber combination arrows are measured by spine deflection. A smaller number means that the arrow has a stiffer spine. For example, 3-60/340 means three wraps of carbon-fiber with an aluminum core tube diameter of 60 and a spine stiffness rating of 340.
What do Easton arrow numbers mean?
The four-digit number refers to the outside diameter and wall thickness of the shaft. The first two numbers are the APPROXIMATE outside diameter to the nearest 64ths of an inch. The second two numbers are the wall thickness in thousands of an inch.
How long should my arrows be for a 29.5 inch draw?
Registered. For me it would depend on whether you’re wanting hunting arrows or target/3d arrows. For hunting I want the broadhead in front of my fingers, so for my 29.5″ draw I make my arrows so that they are 29.75″ total length. For 3d they are probably closer to 27.75″.
How long should arrow be for 27 inch draw?
26 to 29 inches long
Archers with a 27-inch draw length might shoot arrows anywhere from 26 to 29 inches long, depending on where your arrow rest is mounted, and how much arrow extends in front of the riser when you’re at full draw. Use the arrow length you intend to shoot when consulting the spine charts.
How long should my arrows be for a 27.5 draw?
It really depends on you, some like them flush with the front of the riser, some like them just past the rest and as short as possible. I have a 27.5-28″ draw and my arrows are typically 27.75″. I wouldn’t want that long of an arrow personally. If you decide you want a heavier tip you will want a stiffer arrow.