What is Tiitf Florida?

What does TIITF stand for? TIITF is short for Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund of the State of Florida – the entity that holds title to state-owned lands in Florida.

Who owns submerged land in Florida?

In general, regarding bodies of fresh water, Florida law holds that lands beneath navigable fresh water streams and lakes are sovereignty lands, and that title thereto is held by the state in trust for the public, Watson v. Holland, 20 So. 2d 388 (Fla.

What are sovereign submerged lands?

Sovereign Submerged Lands (SSL) are those lands including but not limited to, tidal lands, islands, sand bars, shallow banks, and lands waterward of the ordinary or mean high water line, beneath navigable fresh water or beneath tidally-influenced waters, which the State of Florida acquired title to on March 3, 1845, by …

How many acres of land are in Florida?

State 1 State Acres (1,000 acres) Total area of National Forest System land in Designated Areas 3 (1,000 acres)
Florida 38,392 86
Georgia 37,745 162
Hawaii* 4,134 0
Idaho 53,487 4,818

Can you buy Florida state land?

Frequently Asked Question about Buying Land from the State. Is there a list of all state-owned lands that are available for sale? Yes. See Buy Land from the state under the State Lands’ Quick Links for a complete list of properties for bid or sale.

How do land leases work in Florida?

Basically, it means you purchase a home or building, but the land is leased. Typically leases on these types of properties run for 50 or even 100 years. Some places you may frequently see this arrangement are in condos, townhouses and trailer parks.

Can you own a lake in Florida?

Generally, non-navigable waters such as lakes and ponds are subject to private ownership to the extent that the State of Florida has not maintained any reservation of rights therein and provided that the lake was not depicted as being a property owned by the State of Florida as of 1845.

Can you build on submerged land in Florida?

We conclude there is a common law qualified riparian right or privilege to construct piers or wharves from the riparian owner’s land onto submerged land to the point of navigability but not beyond the low water line, subject to the superior and concurrent rights of the public and to applicable regulations.

What can you do with submerged land in Florida?

The Court notes that the State of Florida has traditionally held title to submerged lands in trust for the enjoyment of the public for various outdoor recreational activities. Therefore, the trust obligation to the public transcends any private ownership rights to those lands.

What does submerged land mean?

“Submerged lands” are defined as public lands lying below tidal waters in the continental United States. Submerged lands cannot be owned by private entities; they are owned by the state. However, the tidal water above the submerged land can be used by private entities.

Who owns the most property in Florida?

The Mormon Church is the largest landowner in Florida, with a total of 382,000 acres purchased in 2014 in the state’s Panhandle.

How much of Florida is owned by the state?

roughly 14.2%
Florida by the numbers Meanwhile, the state owns roughly 14.2% of the land area in Florida, while local governments own more than half a million acres of land. In January 2020, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis announced the state would buy 20,000 acres of land in the Everglades to prevent drilling in the area.