Does Canadian Tire sell Ontario fishing licenses?

The price of an Outdoors Card and fishing licence for Canadian residents who do not live in Ontario – and where you can buy these products….2022 Fishing licence fees for Canadian residents who do not live in Ontario.

Licence Fees
one-year sport fishing licence $55.81

Does Canadian Tire give fishing licenses?

If you already have the Outdoors card, getting a licence is a matter of visiting an authorized issuer or applying online and printing it yourself. Manitoba: Licences are available at many tackle shops, convenience stores and big box stores (Cabela’s, Walmart, Canadian Tire).

Do you need a fishing license in Ontario right now?

Most people require a recreational fishing licence or deemed licence to legally fish in Ontario. You must carry your Outdoors Card or licence summary whenever you are fishing. If requested, you must present these documents to a conservation officer.

How much does a fishing license cost in Canada?

2022 fishing licence fees for non-Canadian residents

Licence Fees
1-year sport fishing licence $83.19
1-year conservation fishing licence $52.71
1-day sport fishing licence (you do not need an Outdoors Card) Valid for 1 calendar day starting at 12:00 midnight $24.86
8-day sport fishing licence $54.38

Where can I buy a fishing license in Calgary?

Starting in 2022-23, Class C walleye licenses can be purchased on a first-come first-served basis, after licence information is available online at All applicants require a Wildlife Identification Number (WiN). A WiN card can be purchased online at and at any licence issuer.

How do you get a domestic fishing license?

All Metis Harvesters who want to fish need to get a FREE Domestic Fishing License (DFL), even if you are only fishing with rod and reel. You can get the DFL online at Alberta ReLM or in person at your local Fish and Wildlife office.

What is a WiN card?

All anglers and hunters must have an Active Wildlife Identification Number (WiN) before purchasing any licence, wildlife certificate or draw application. The 10 digit number confirms eligibility for a licence within seconds. The same WiN is used to purchase both hunting and fishing licences.

Do you need a fishing license in Ontario after age 65?

Over 65 years old: You don’t need an Outdoors Card or a fishing licence, but you may purchase them. Your fees will go towards managing fish and wildlife populations in Ontario. You must always carry Government-issued ID that lists your name and date of birth with you while fishing.

What is the difference between a conservation fishing license and a sport fishing license in Ontario?

Licence options: There are two versions of the fishing licence – Sport & Conservation. The Sport licence allows full catch and possession fishing privileges. In most cases, the Conservation licence has a catch and possession limit that is lower than the Sport licence.

How long is a Canadian fishing license good for?

You will need a valid licence before you can start fishing. This licence includes two parts: an Outdoors Card (a plastic ID card, valid for three calendar years) a fishing licence (valid for either one or three calendar years)