What is solution loss reaction?

The coke solution loss reaction (Ccoke + CO2 = 2CO) is an endothermic reaction, so the degree of coke solution loss reaction will increase with the increase of temperature, as shown in Figure ​1. Figure 1. Change of coke solution loss reactivity with temperature when the iron particle loading is 0.

What is CSR and CRI of coke?

Coke reactivity to carbon dioxide (CRI) determines percent weight loss of coke, as a result of carbon dioxide action on the coke sample in temperature 1100°C. The coke strength after reaction (CSR) determines >10 mm grain amount yield obtained after mechanical tumbling of coke after reaction with carbon dioxide.

What product is formed when coke reacts with carbon dioxide?

carbon monoxide
At temperatures of 1000°C and above, coke carbon reacts with carbon dioxide to produce carbon monoxide, gasifying the coke in the process.

Which gas is formed during burning of coke?

Reducing agents derived from coke are generated by following two reactions: (i) coke reacts with oxygen at the bottom part of blast furnace, and one carbon monoxide molecule is generated, (ii) coke reacts with carbon dioxide at middle part of blast furnace, and two carbon monoxide molecules is generated.

What element is coke made of?

The residue is chiefly carbon, with minor amounts of hydrogen, nitrogen, sulfur, and oxygen. Also present in coke is the mineral matter in the original coal, chemically altered and decomposed during the coking process.

What is metallurgical coke?

Metallurgical coke is produced by destructive distillation of coal in coke ovens. Prepared coal is “coked”, or heated in an oxygen-free atmosphere until all volatile components in the coal evaporate. The material remaining is called coke.

What is M40 in coke?

The coke is characterized in terms of quality indices M40 and M10. Index M40 is the expression as a percentage of the fraction greater than 40 mm that is left in the drum. M10 index is the percentage fraction less than 10 mm from the test resulting.

How do you calculate CSR of coal?

  1. Relation between CSR and CRI (Figure 2) was evaluated by using data.
  2. CRI in the form of a first-order equation with an Rvalue of 0.82 will be:
  3. CSR =−058 ×(CRI)+8063(3)
  4. relationship, CSR can be predicted by knowing CRI values. This method.
  5. M. A. Diez, R.
  6. Making, International Journal of Coal Geology, Vol.
  7. R.
  8. J. L. G.

What happens when CO2 is passed over hot coke?

Coke is reacted with the carbon dioxide such that coke is reduced to carbon monoxide. The chemical reaction of coke that is carbon C with carbon dioxide gives two moles of carbon monoxide.

What happens when CO2 is passed through hot coke?

When carbon dioxide reacts with red hot coke, carbon monoxide is formed. The balanced chemical equation for this reaction can be written as: Here, 1 mole of carbon dioxide reacts with 1 mole of coke to produce 2 moles of carbon monoxide.

Which gas is known as town gas?

coal gas
In British usage, coal gas specifically means gas made by the destructive distillation of coal. It was more commonly known as town gas. Coal gas is not applied to other coal-derived gases, such as water gas, producer gas and syngas.

Why is coca cola called coke?

Coca-Cola’s history has been well-documented. The drink was invented in 1885 by John Pemberton, a pharmacist from Atlanta, Georgia, who made the original formula in his backyard. Pemberton’s recipe contained cocaine in the form of an extract of the coca leaf, which inspired the “Coca” part of the beverage’s name.