What is the purpose of the cellular respiration lab?
What is the purpose of the cellular respiration lab?
When carbon dioxide reacts with water, a weak acid (carbonic acid) is formed (see chemical reaction below). The more carbon dioxide you breathe into the BTB solution, the faster it will change color to yellow. The purpose of this lab activity is to analyze the effect of exercise on cellular respiration.
What is the purpose of the vial with only glass beads?
The purpose of the beads is to ensure that each respirometer is uniform in volume. The vial with glass beads alone will permit detection of any changes in volume due to atmospheric pressure changes or temperature changes.
How do you calculate respiratory rate?
To measure the respiratory rate, count the number of breaths for an entire minute or count for 30 seconds and multiply that number by two.
How do you use a respirometer to measure oxygen uptake?
Using a respirometer to measure the rate of uptake of oxygen Coloured fluid is poured into the reservoir of each manometer and allowed to flow into the capillary tube. It is essential that there are no air bubbles. You must end up with exactly the same quantity of fluid in the two manometers.
How is a respirometer used to measure the rate of respiration?
A respirometer measures oxygen uptake by respiring organisms. Any CO2 produced is absorbed in the apparatus, so any change in gas volume is due to removal of oxygen by the organisms through aerobic respiration. Hence oxygen uptake is used as an indication of respiration rate.
How does a respirometer measure oxygen uptake?
What gas was used by the peas during the respirometer experiment?
While the peas underwent cellular respiration, they consumed oxygen and released carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide reacted with the KOH resulting in a decrease in the volume of gas in the pipette and the vial. Because the pipette tip was exposed to the water bath, water moved into the pipette.
Is 10 breaths per minute Normal?
Respiratory rate: A person’s respiratory rate is the number of breaths you take per minute. The normal respiration rate for an adult at rest is 12 to 20 breaths per minute. A respiration rate under 12 or over 25 breaths per minute while resting is considered abnormal.