What are standard sizes for cutting boards?

A standard cutting board will measure about 12 inches by 18 inches, and have a rectangular shape. This size is ideal for many kitchens because it can be wide enough to cut multiple foods, but also not too large that you would have trouble storing it.

What is the most popular cutting board size?

When it comes to cutting boards, the most common are sized around 12 by 18 inches. These boards are large enough to cut multiple foods while still being small enough that they’re easy to store. Other typical sizes for a standard cutting board are 10 by 14 inches and 15 by 20 inches.

What is the best thickness for a cutting board?

1 1/4 to 2 inches
The choice of wood should be free of warps, have a flat surface and doesn’t have any blemishes or excessive knots on the surface. The ideal cutting board thickness should be 1 1/4 to 2 inches.

What cutting boards do chefs recommend?

Even softer than wooden cutting boards, rubber cutting boards are most commonly used in restaurants. For all chopping tasks, including raw meat, these boards are Cupps’s top pick. “They’re durable, sturdy,” and easy on your knife, she says.

What size cutting board do chefs use?

While there are a variety of shapes and sizes to choose from, rectangular boards tend to be the most practical. Wessel says that 12-by-18 inches, the standard size used by his own company, is a good choice.

What size is a large cutting board?

Cutting Board Standard Sizes

Board Type Board Size (Inches)
Small 8×10 in
Medium 10×14 in
Large 18×24 in
Extra Large 20×30 in

Which is better end grain or edge grain cutting boards?

Edge grain tops, while very good for chopping and food prep, will show signs of knife marks and wear over time quicker than end grain tops. The very durable wood surface acts like a wall and will also dull knives quicker than end grain tops.

What are the 3 types of cutting boards?

We summed it up all for you and here are the different type of chopping boards that made the cut:

  • Wood Cutting Board.
  • Plastic Cutting Board.
  • Bamboo Cutting Board.
  • Glass Cutting Board.

Why should you never cut end grain?

Cutting end-grain is much tougher on your blades. If you send end-grain through the planer it stands a very likely chance of the board fracturing and your planer ejecting the board and very high materials. This is an extremely dangerous situation that you do no want to be around when it goes off.

How often should you change your chopping board?

Replace them regularly When your chopping boards get really scratched, bacteria and food will hide in the cracks and crevices and won’t come out when washed. It is recommended that you change your chopping board at least 3-4 times a year (depending on how often you use it).