What should I read after The Hardy Boys?

They are not only fun and interesting, but also they will pave way to a life-long love for reading

  • Harry Potter.
  • Hardy Boys.
  • Secret Seven.
  • Malory Towers.
  • Famous Five.
  • Goosebumps.
  • Animporphs.
  • The Chronicles of Narnia.

Which Hardy Boy book is rarest?

Additionally, the first edition of volume 11, While The Clock Ticked, is extremely rare and perhaps the most valuable of all Hardy Boys books.

What should I read after mysteries of Arizona?

Magic Tree House Read-Alikes

  • A to Z Mysteries by Ron Roy.
  • Cam Jansen Mysteries by David Adler.
  • The Fairy-tale Detectives: Sisters Grimm by Michael Buckley.
  • Flashback Four by Dan Gutman.
  • Flat Stanley by various authors including Sara Pennypacker and Josh Greenhut.
  • Jigsaw Jones Mysteries by James Preller.

What is the difference between the Famous Five and the Secret Seven?

The Secret Seven was the name of a secret society that featured in a series of eleven stories published in The Magnet magazine in 1934; the term “Famous Five” dates from 1910 and is applied to a group of the leading characters: Harry Wharton, Frank Nugent, Bob Cherry, Johnny Bull and Hurree Jamset Ram Singh.

How old is Nancy Drew supposed to be?

18 years old
Nancy’s Age and the Adult World Nancy Drew is 18 years old. (16 if you happen to have your mom’s original-edition books. They aged Nancy up in later editions because they realized she wasn’t acting like a normal 16 year old.) How she stays so young over so many books is a mystery, itself.

Why was Pamela Sue Martin replaced as Nancy Drew?

In 1977, she portrayed Nancy Drew for The Nancy Drew Mysteries, which merged with The Hardy Boys Mysteries for season 2 under the title The Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew Mysteries. This resulted in a reduced role for Martin, which frustrated her, and resulted with her leaving the series.

What books are similar to Dragon Masters?

If You Like Books Like… Dragon Masters

  • Coldfire Curse. [graphic Novel]
  • Azmina the Gold Glitter Dragon. by Mara, Maddy.
  • The Lost Stone. by Quinn, Jordan.
  • There’s A Dragon in My Boot. by Nicoll, Tom.
  • Beast Keeper. by Coats, Lucy.
  • Dragonbreath. by Vernon, Ursula.
  • Clover’s Luck. by George, K.
  • Henry Heckelbeck Gets A Dragon.

What reading level do chapter books start at?

“There are some wonderful beginning chapter books appropriate for second graders (around age 7), and proficient readers, by third grade (around age 8), are usually reading chapter books,” she says.