What math is needed for botany?

Specifically recommended are a minimum of three years of high school mathematics, including algebra, geometry, and some exposure to trigonometry, one year of chemistry, one year of biology, one year of physics, and courses designed to develop computer and writing skills.

What subjects do you need to study botany?

Most botanists have degrees in botany, plant science, plant biology, or general biology. Students in these programs study mathematics, chemistry, physics, and biology.

What is the study of plant diseases?

Plant pathology is the study of plants and their pathogens, the process of disease, and how plant health and disease are influenced by factors such as the weather, nonpathogenic microorganisms, and plant nutrition. It encompasses fundamental biology as well as applied agricultural sciences.

How do I become a NASA botanist?

Botanists require a minimum of a bachelor’s degree in a science field such as botany, plant science, plant biology or general biology. In some of the academic programs, students also study mathematics, chemistry, physics, and biology.

Is botany a lot of math?

Math and Science Students majoring in botany take several chemistry-related courses, such as the molecular basis of chemical change, organic chemistry or biochemistry. Other required courses may include college algebra, trigonometry, calculus, statistics and general physics, as Weber State’s botany requirements state.

Is botany class hard?

If you are dealing with botany on an upper division level, then of course they’ll go further into detail, and it would be a bit harder. Upper division level courses deals with alot of memorization, understanding of concepts, and correlating research experiments with the course material.

Is plant pathology worth studying?

As such, plant pathology is challenging, interesting, important, and worth studying in its own right. It is also, however, a science that has a practical and noble goal of protecting the food available for humans and animals.

What can I do with a masters in plant pathology?

Plant pathologists are employed by:

  • Colleges and universities (research, teaching, and extension)
  • Agricultural consulting companies.
  • Agrichemical companies.
  • Seed and plant production companies.
  • Tissue culture laboratories.
  • Diagnostic laboratories.
  • International agricultural research centers.
  • Botanical gardens and arboreta.
