Is food on the holodeck real?
Is food on the holodeck real?
When you’re on the holodeck and you eat, the computer replicates real food.
Did the original Star Trek have a holodeck?
The Holodeck first appeared in The Practical Joker, a 1974 episode of the Star Trek animated series. It was depicted as a recreation room containing a simulated, alternative version of reality. It featured heavily in The Next Generation series and in the 1996 film First Contact.
Who invented the holodeck Star Trek?
The answers are one and the same — Gene Dolgoff, whose bio very proudly describes him as “an innovator and entrepreneur in electronics, optics, holography, lenticular, stereoscopic, and other forms of 3-D imaging, and displays, with over 65 granted patents worldwide and 40 patents pending.” Dolgoff, back in 1964.
How big is the holodeck on Star Trek?
a 9 meter by 9 meter
That’s about a 9 meter by 9 meter space – a full sized holodeck by any account.
What happens if you eat in a holodeck?
Holograms could be augmented with force beams to simulate solid, tangible objects or with replicator technology to create actual solid matter such as foodstuffs. All food eaten on the holodeck were replications. No other type of simulation could survive outside of the holodeck.
How many holodecks does Enterprise e have?
There are 16 holodecks on Galaxy-class starships, including the Enterprise, located on decks 9 through 11.
Did Kirk’s Enterprise have a holodeck?
In the case of the holodeck simulation, however, it seemed as though Discovery’s writers had actually broken canon, since Captain Kirk’s Enterprise didn’t have that technology on The Original Series.
Do Klingons have holodecks?
The Xyrillians later shared the holodeck technology with the Klingons (going so far as to install a holodeck on a battle cruiser), so at least one Klingon ship had a holodeck.
Can you eat and drink on the holodeck?
Where as, food & other items created in the replicator, ARE molecularly real, just created from a database. Each molecule in the thing made is actual, and thus can be broken down by digestion. So, anytime you see REAL people eatting or drinking on a holodeck, they aren’t munching and slurping force fields.
How many holodecks are on the Enterprise?
Do Romulans have holodecks?
Romulans have holodecks on their larger ships, used more than likely for the same psychological purposes as the Federation. Romulan warships would spend years patrolling territories under cloak. It would make sense they would have need of psychological training and outlets the holodeck makes possible.