Are there any descendants of John Rolfe and Pocahontas?
Are there any descendants of John Rolfe and Pocahontas?
Some Virginia families claim descent from Pocahontas and her husband, John Rolfe; in fact the majority of the descendants of Pocahontas in the USA are through their son, Thomas Rolfe.
Are there descendants of Pocahontas?
Thomas Rolfe
John BollingJane RolfeAnne Rolfe
How many Pocahontas descendants are there?
It’s estimated that more than 100,000 people are descended from Pocahontas through the Thomas Rolfe bloodline.
Was Robert E Lee a descendant of Pocahontas?
He had told her a great deal of the family history, including that they were cousins to Thomas Jefferson, Robert E. Lee and John Marshall of the Supreme Court as they were all descended from the Randolphs of Virginia. But more importantly, he told her that they were direct descendants of Pocahontas.
Are any of George Washington’s descendants alive?
Thus, there are no direct descendants of George Washington. However, he had numerous siblings and half-siblings and there are many descendants of the Washington family. George Washington’s nephew, Bushrod Washington, inherited Mount Vernon.
Which first lady was a ninth generation descendant of Pocahontas?
Edith Bolling Galt Wilson traced her ancestry to Virginia colonial aristocracy. The daughter of Sallie White and Judge William Holcombe Bolling, she was a direct descendant of Pocahontas on her father’s side, and was related by blood or through marriage to Thomas Jefferson, Martha Washington and Letitia Tyler.
Is anyone related to Pocahontas today?
Legitimate descendants of Pocahontas include Harry Flood Byrd, a U.S. senator and governor of Virginia, and his brother, Richard Evelyn Byrd, discoverer of the South Pole.
Are there any descendants of Robert E Lee alive today?
Robert E. Lee does have a bona fide surviving direct descendant, great-great grandson Robert E. Lee V, who works at a private school in McLean, Virginia.
Was Nancy Reagan descended from Pocahontas?
Pocahontas and Rolfe had one child, Thomas Rolfe, who was born in 1615 before his parents left for England. Through this son, Pocahontas has many living descendants. Two of Pocahontas’s descendants have become First Lady of the United States, both First Lady Edith Wilson and First Lady Nancy Reagan.