What do you do in a fire drill at your school?

The fire drill routine in schools

  1. Alarm operation. Anyone discovering an outbreak of fire must, without hesitation, sound the alarm by operating the nearest fire alarm call point.
  2. Calling the fire service.
  3. Evacuation.
  4. Assembly.
  5. Roll call.
  6. Meeting the fire service.
  7. Instruction, training and recording.

What is fire drill test?

A fire drill is a method of practicing how a building would be evacuated in the event of a fire or other emergencies. In most cases, the building’s existing fire alarm system is activated and the building is evacuated by means of the nearest available exit as if an emergency had actually occurred.

How many fire drills must I do annually?

An evacuation drill or fire drill should be conducted, preferably, at least twice per year. Fire wardens / marshals should ensure that everyone leaves the building safely and assist visitors or colleagues with disabilities.

What are the five steps of a fire drill?

Record, plan, inform, instruct and train. This step is about making sure that you have a record of your plan and that everyone knows their responsibilities for fire safety and what to do in the event of a fire.

How should you act during a fire drill?

Evacuate with everyone quietly, and don’t panic. Fire drill procedure differs, but I would advise asking everyone to remain calm and quiet. Please remember to wait for the all-clear, and then re-enter. If your clients are scared, comfort them and tell them this is only a practice drill.

Should you lock doors during a fire drill?

Don) • Any staff manning the front doors during a safety drill should lock the front doors and put the “Safety Alert” paper on the front doors to alert people who may be trying to get in.

How do you perform a fire drill test?

Let’s now take a look at how you can conduct fire drills at your workplace.

  1. Prepare An Evacuation Plan. Before you can conduct your fire drill, you need to sit down and create an evacuation plan.
  2. Train Your Employees.
  3. Communicate The Drill In Advance.
  4. Rehearse The Drill.
  5. Rally Point.
  6. Place Observers.

How do you complete a fire drill?

How to conduct a fire drill

  1. Ask nominated observers to go to their positions.
  2. Ask a member of staff at random to set off the alarm.
  3. Time how long it takes for people to evacuate.
  4. Observe people’s actions and any difficulties during the drill.
  5. Carry out a roll call at the assembly (muster point)

What do yellow fire signs mean?

warning messages
Yellow fire safety signs carry warning messages and are triangular in shape. They feature a black symbol that indicates the type of hazard in a specific area. An example of a yellow warning message is a fire risk sign.

Why does a false alarm not count as a drill?

However, fire drills also serve the purpose of monitoring the behaviour of staff when the alarm system operates and timing the evacuation. This cannot occur in the event of a false alarm because it occurs without warning, precluding the pre-planning that precedes a fire drill and the monitoring of the drill.

Do and don’ts during fire drill?

Fire Safety Do’s and Don’ts

  • Know your building’s evacuation plan.
  • Evacuate calmly and quickly whenever a fire alarm or carbon monoxide alarm sounds.
  • Keep important items such as medications and medical equipment handy for quick access in the event of a building evacuation.
  • Know two ways out of any building.

What should you not do during a fire drill?

What Not To Do During A Fire Drill

  1. You must not panic and the same is true when a real fire comes through.
  2. You must not treat it as a joke – a fire drill is designed to prepare you for a real fire.
  3. You must not use an elevator – in a real fire this could get you killed.