What is RAL K5?

The colour fan deck RAL K5 contains all 213 RAL CLASSIC colours. Due to the full-page colour illustration, it is especially suitable for colour combinations and colour comparisons. U-shaped protective cover. full page colour illustration 5.0 x 15.0 cm.

What is the difference between RAL K5 and K7?

The difference is in the size of the colour swatch: both K5 and K7 contain the same amount of colours – 213 – but the K5 has one colour per swatch (measuring 150mm x 50mm) whereas the K7 has 5 colours per swatch (each colour therefore has a much smaller palette size 20mm x 50mm). HTH.

What is the difference between RAL Classic and RAL Design?

RAL DESIGN is a color system containing 1,625 colors following the internationally recognized CIELab system. RAL CLASSIC, on the other hand, is a collection that was mainly formed due to industry requirements. RAL DESIGN color codes have seven digits, whereas RAL CLASSIC color codes only have four digits.

What is RAL K7?

The RAL K7 Colour fan deck swatch contains all 213 colours from the RAL CLASSIC Gloss colour range and is the definitive guide for selecting and verifying colour for paint and coatings around the world. The RAL K7 Colour fan deck swatch contains numerous features, including: • Contains all 213 RAL CLASSIC Colours.

What is RAL D2?

The RAL D2 fan deck shows all 1,825 colours of the RAL DESIGN system on 9 colours per page. The finding of colour shades is facilitated due to the arrangement of colours by the criteria hue (H), lightness (L) and chroma (C).

How many RAL Classic Colours are there?

How many RAL COLOURS are there? There are a total of 2,530 RAL colours – 215 shades are included in the RAL CLASSIC colour collection, 1,825 shades in the RAL DESIGN SYSTEM plus and a selection of 490 shades are available in the RAL EFFECT colour collection.

How many Colours does RAL K7 have?

The RAL K7 CLASSIC colour fan reproduces the colour spectrum in RAL’s longest-running colour collection, RAL CLASSIC, with its 215 timeless and much-loved colours. Each page displays five colour swatches alongside their RAL colour code and RAL colour name.