What does it mean to be mot d?

/ˌem.əʊˈtiː/ MOTing | MOT’d | MOTs. to put a road vehicle through an MOT: I want to get/have the car MOT’d before we drive to France.

Is powered a real word?

Definition of powered having a specified fuel or prime mover: a gasoline-powered engine; an engine-powered pump.

What does root MOT mean?

to move
The root words mob and mot come from the Latin, meaning “to move.” move.

What is the bon mot?

Definition of bon mot : a clever remark : witticism his bons mots were being repeated … from coast to coast— W. J. Fisher.

What is the verb of power?

powered; powering; powers. Definition of power (Entry 2 of 3) transitive verb. 1 : to supply with power and especially motive power. 2 : to give impetus to.

What is General power?

In general, power derives from the factors of interdependence between two entities and the environment. The use of power need not involve force or the threat of force (coercion). An example of using power without oppression is the concept “soft power” (as compared to hard power).

What words start with mot?

5-letter words that start with mot

  • motor.
  • motif.
  • motto.
  • motel.
  • motte.
  • motet.
  • mothy.
  • moths.

What words have mot in them?


  • gemot.
  • motel.
  • motes.
  • motet.
  • motey.
  • moths.
  • mothy.
  • What is Bon Mott?

    Definition of bon mot : a clever remark : witticism his bons mots were being repeated …

    What is a cogency?

    noun. the quality or state of being convincing or persuasive: The cogency of the argument was irrefutable.

    What’s another word for powerful?

    In this page you can discover 87 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for powerful, like: mighty, indomitable, omnipotent, dominant, strong, influential, stalwart, herculean, ruthless, ruling and vigorous.