Does St Ives have good weather?

Weather in St Ives, Cornwall Cornwall possesses a mild and sunny climate, this is due to the southerly latitude and the influence of the gulf stream. The average temperature in the summer season is 18°C (64°F) and the average temperature in winter is 12°C (54°F).

Does St Ives get hot?

In St Ives, the summers are cool and windy; the winters are long, cold, wet, and extremely windy; and it is partly cloudy year round. Over the course of the year, the temperature typically varies from 42°F to 65°F and is rarely below 34°F or above 71°F.

Why is it colder in Cornwall?

Its milder in Cornwall than the South east, because the Gulf stream and Atlantic ocean keep away the cold weather which normally comes from the East. But is also cooler in Summer for the same reasons. So, yes it is sub tropical in places but that applies to the warmer winters not the summer temperatures.

How many days a year does it rain in St Ives?

Weather by month // weather averages St Ives

January October
Max. Temperature °C (°F) 7 °C (44.7) °F 14.7 °C (58.5) °F
Precipitation / Rainfall mm (in) 53 (2) 59 (2)
Humidity(%) 85% 80%
Rainy days (d) 8 8

How warm is the sea in St Ives?

Today’s The Breakwater-St Ives sea temperature is 56 °F.

Does St Ives have a micro climate?

‘ The position of St Ives, being close to the western tip of Cornwall and the end of the Gulf Stream, means it has an extremely mild climate and relatively warm winters. As a result, many gardens are able to successfully grow exotic and subtropical plants outdoors, such as palms and even bananas.

Where is the warmest place in Cornwall?

You don’t think that Bude’s weather has any more’micro’ concerns – it is statistically the hottest place in Cornwall and claims the title of most hot place. Cornwall is led by Bodmin Moor, which is 30 miles away.

Is the weather better in Cornwall or Devon?

The weather is always better in Cornwall, too. When rain sweeps in from the Atlantic, Cornwall often emerges in sunshine while clouds get snagged over soggy Devon. It’s also far easier to chase the sun in Cornwall. If sea fog descends on the north coast, you often just need to nip over to the Lizard to find blue skies.

Which city in UK has best weather?

1. Bognor Regis: England’s sun king. Bognor Regis will not beaten on the amount of sunshine it gets every year: an average of 1,921 hours. In comparison, parts of Scotland get fewer than 900 hours, which should give you an idea of just how sunny the West Sussex town gets.

Why does it rain so much in Cornwall?

The prevailing wind direction in the UK is westerly, so most (but not all) of the time, the air travels from west to east. “This means that air in Cornwall comes across thousands of miles of Atlantic, picking up moisture as it does so.

Is the water in St Ives cold?

The water temperature (54 °F) at The Breakwater-St Ives is quite cold. If the sun shines as forecast, it should feel warm enough to get away with a good sealed spring wetsuit but you won’t overheat in a winter wetsuit, gloves boots and a hood. Effective windchill factor of (52 °F).