How do I get between strings in C#?

“c# get string between two words” Code Answer

  1. public string Between(string STR , string FirstString, string LastString)
  2. {
  3. string FinalString;
  4. int Pos1 = STR. IndexOf(FirstString) + FirstString. Length;
  5. int Pos2 = STR. IndexOf(LastString);
  6. FinalString = STR. Substring(Pos1, Pos2 – Pos1);
  7. return FinalString;
  8. }

How do I find the string between two characters?

To get a substring between two characters, call the slice() method, passing it the index after the first occurrence of the character and the index of the last occurrence of the character as parameters.

What is IndexOf C#?

IndexOf() method in C# is used to find the zero-based index of the first occurrence of a specified Unicode character or string within this instance.

How do you find the substring at the end of a string?

To extract a substring that begins at a specified character position and ends before the end of the string, call the Substring(Int32, Int32) method. This method does not modify the value of the current instance. Instead, it returns a new string that begins at the startIndex position in the current string.

How do I find a string between two characters in C++?

“string substring between two characters c++” Code Answer

  1. string str = “STARTDELIMITER_0_192.168.1.18_STOPDELIMITER”;
  2. unsigned first = str. find(STARTDELIMITER);
  3. unsigned last = str. find_last_of(STOPDELIMITER);
  4. string strNew = str. substr (first,last-first);
  5. std::cout << strNew << std::endl;

Can you index a string in C#?

In C#, IndexOf() method is a string method. This method is used to find the zero based index of the first occurrence of a specified character or string within current instance of the string. The method returns -1 if the character or string is not found.

How do you find the index of a specific string?

The indexOf() function can be used to find out the index of a particular character or a string.

Which function is used to find substring of string?

strstr function
(Search String for Substring) In the C Programming Language, the strstr function searches within the string pointed to by s1 for the string pointed to by s2. It returns a pointer to the first occurrence in s1 of s2.