What is the meaning of in dire need?

causing or involving great fear or suffering; dreadful; terrible: a dire calamity. indicating trouble, disaster, misfortune, or the like: dire predictions about the stock market. urgent; desperate: in dire need of food.

How do you use dire need in a sentence?

Our nation is in dire need of investment. The station is in dire need of improvement. Both nations are in dire need of money. By offering services free of charge to people in dire need, the organization contributes to the widespread circulation of religious messages.

What is an example of dire?

Dire is defined as something that is urgent. An example of dire is the warning to evacuate immediately.

What does dire emergency mean?

adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun] Dire is used to emphasize how serious or terrible a situation or event is.

What’s another word for dire need?

What is another word for be in dire need of?

call out for beg
clamourUK cry out
demand justify
necessitate need
request require

What does the phrase dire need mean in the passage?

2 : very urgent or serious in dire need.

What is the synonyms of dire?

In this page you can discover 75 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for dire, like: grave, terrible, portentous, scary, appalling, direful, hellfire, fire-and-brimstone, unlucky, urgent and ghastly.

What are dire consequences?

very serious or extreme: Cheating will bring dire consequences.

What is the same meaning of dire?

terrible, dreadful, appalling, frightful, awful, horrible, atrocious, grim, unspeakable, distressing, harrowing, alarming, shocking, outrageous. grave, serious, grievous, disastrous, ruinous, calamitous, catastrophic, cataclysmic, devastating, crippling.

What is antonym dire?

Antonyms. unalarming good ordinary mild niceness nice pleasant. terrible awful dreaded alarming direful.

Is in dire need synonym?

synonyms for dire

  • acute.
  • critical.
  • desperate.
  • drastic.
  • extreme.
  • burning.
  • clamant.
  • clamorous.

How do you use dire consequences in a sentence?

We don’t think the people are aware of the dire consequences if we continue on this path. But he also believes that leaving would not have the dire consequences some claim. He added that the economic downturn will have dire consequences for the poorest nations.