What is the principle of photo detector?

A photodiode is a PN junction or PIN structure. When a Photon of sufficient energy strikes the diode, it excites an electron, thereby creating a free electron and a hole. A detector is one which converts light into either current or voltage.

What is the principle of photodiode?

Principle of Photodiode: It works on the principle of the photoelectric effect. The operating principle of the photodiode is such that when the junction of this two terminal semiconductor device is illuminated then the electric current starts flowing through it.

How do photodiode sensors work?

The photodiode is a special type of diode that converts light energy into electrical energy when incident light falls on it and the amount of current flow is directly proportional to the intensity of light and designed to work in reverse bias.

Is photo detector and photo diode same?

To convert a current into a voltage one uses a transimpedance amplifier which can also be used to increases the signal level. A photo diode wired to a transimpedance is called a photo detector. In conclusion, a photo detector is a photo diode connected to a transimpedance amplifier.

What is a photodiode explain its working and uses?

A photodiode is a semiconductor p–n junction device that converts light into an electrical current. The current is generated when photons are absorbed in the photodiode. Photodiodes may contain optical filters, built-in lenses, and may have large or small surface areas.

What are the types of photo detectors?

Common Types of Photodetectors

  • p-n Photodiodes.
  • p-i-n Photodiodes.
  • Avalanche Photodiodes.
  • MSM Photodetectors.

What are the advantages of photodiode?

Advantages of photodiode :

  • The photodiode is linear.
  • Low resistance.
  • A very good spectral response.
  • Better frequency response.
  • Low dark current.
  • Fastest photodetector.
  • Long lifetime.
  • Low noise.