How can I make my dance class fun?

1. Encourage the students’ self expression.

  1. Let the warmup be silly and fun.
  2. Avoid stylization and let the dance be folky and easy. Even people who have never taken a class can shimmy and do step touches.
  3. Strut around in a circle, and have the the students echo your actions.
  4. Keep it simple, yes, but have fun.

What are some dancing activities?

10 Exciting Dancing Games For Kids To Get Them Movin’ And Groovin…

  • The Emoji Dance. They key here is to have a versatile playlist ready to go.
  • Find the Leader. Have one person be β€œit” and leave the room.
  • Popcorn Dancing.
  • Animal Dance.
  • Body Part Party.
  • Remote Control Dance.
  • Create Your Own Hula.
  • Freeze Dance.

How do I teach my 5 year old to dance?

Conducting dance classes for very young children in the age range of 3 to 6 requires a tremendous amount of managing, engaging, and interacting skills….Let’s Sing, Dance And Move!

  1. Keep the Class Moving.
  2. Repetition –
  3. Offer Choice.
  4. Explain Each Step Clearly –
  5. Encouragement –
  6. Reward Students.
  7. Focus on Fun.

What is a good dance for kids?

Hip hop is a great way for young dancers to express themselves. It’s a good option for kids who don’t like to be held back with too many rules. Hip-hop can be a fun way for kids to make friends and build their confidence.

How do I inspire my students dance?

7 Unique Ways To Keep Your Dance Team Motivated

  1. Tell your teammates they’re doing great – and why!
  2. Emphasize goal setting and check in 1-on-1.
  3. Review and practice together.
  4. Collaborate with your teammates.
  5. Start a performance countdown.
  6. Spice up the countdown with spirit days!
  7. Kick it outside of the studio.

How do you teach little kids to dance?

Dance Choreography for Kids: Teaching Tips

  1. Keep It Simple. Kids in or entering kindergarten LOVE to move around and have fun in dance class, but you can’t expect them to always remember extended choreography.
  2. Recognize Rhythm.
  3. Build Repetition into Choreography.
  4. Reward Students.
  5. Focus on Fun.

How do you make a kids dance party?

5 Steps for Hosting the Most Amazing Kids’ Dance Party

  1. Set the mood with festive decorations. When it comes to hosting a kids’ dance party to remember, it’s all about ambiance.
  2. Plan activities to keep dancers busy.
  3. Whip up kid-friendly snacks.
  4. Build the perfect playlist.
  5. Crank the tunes.

How do you play the dance game?


  1. Form a line or a couple.
  2. One person goes in the front and shows a dance move.
  3. Everyone does it together.
  4. Another person goes in the front and does another move.
  5. Everyone does the first move AND the new one.
  6. Keep doing it until everyone gets to come up with a move or two.