How do I protect my rabbits walls?
How do I protect my rabbits walls?
How do I protect walls? Clear plastic panels from the hardware or plastic supply store can be affixed to the wall to protect against your rabbit chewing into the sheetrock or tearing off the wallpaper. Placing furniture over that spot can also conceal the damage and protect against further chewing.
Why is my rabbit licking the wall?
Rabbits also lick furniture to show affection, as to a rabbit licking your belongings and home is the same as grooming you. This could be entirely unprompted behavior. Or, it may begin to lick the wall, floor, or whatever surface you are on or near in response to you grooming it.
Why do pet rabbits eat paper?
Your rabbit may be eating paper because they’re hungry. If so, ensure that your pet has a regular supply of fresh hay. Your rabbit may also be lacking fiber in their diet. This leads to them seeking it from alternative sources, including paper and cardboard.
How do I bunny proof my house?
Bunny Proofing Supply List
- Wire covers. Plastic sleeves can be neatly connected to your wall.
- Furniture / baseboard protection. Large split flex tubing can fit over wooden table or chair legs.
- Puppy pens / baby gates. Puppy pens can help block off areas or confine your rabbit to a safe area of a room.
- Chew toys.
Why does my bunny pee on me?
Perhaps the main reason rabbits pee on you when you pick them up is because they are afraid of you. This is often because you have not yet earned their trust. It often happens when people rough-handle them especially when taking the rabbit out of their hutch.
Is it OK if my bunny eats paper?
The main danger of a rabbit eating paper is an intestinal blockage. Paper does not break down in a rabbit’s digestive tract. If not swallowed in small pieces and quantities, it can leave them constipated. Constipation can be lethal to rabbits.
What can I give my rabbit to chew on?
Items that are safe for rabbits to chew on:
- hay!
- apple, willow, aspen branches.
- pine firewood.
- cotton towels.
- untreated fresh pine lumber attached to cage so it doesn’t move–piece of molding, 1″x2″s, or 2″x4″s.
- basket with hay in it–let the bun chew the basket as well as the hay.
- compressed alfalfa cubes.
What can rabbits not chew through?
Tough metal wire can withstand a rabbit’s teeth, so this material is ideal for a rabbit hutch. But rabbits can chew through most other materials, including chicken wire, plastic, vinyl, and solid wood. If unsuitable materials are used for a hutch door, a rabbit can chew their way out.
How do I bunny proof my living room?
Why is my bunny peeing on me?
If your rabbit is peeing on you, they might be feeling unwell. Inappropriate urination is a common symptom of several health issues including urinary infections, kidney disease, and diabetes. If the unwanted peeing is coupled with rabbit diarrhea then it’s important to take your pet to the vet asap.