How do I connect my UPC to my router?


  1. Connect your PC, smartphone or tablet to your Connect Box’s Internet and enter the following address in the Internet browser: 192.168. 0.1.
  2. Enter the password.
  3. In the “Modem mode”* menu item, click on “Activate modem mode” and then confirm with “Adopt changes”.

How do I connect my UPC?

connect the converter to the cable connection and then connect the converter to the TV. Further details can be found in the converter manual. Note: the converter only works in the UPC network and in partner networks. After you have connected your TV, the first thing you should do is a channel search.

How do I reset my UPC modem?

To do so, press the reset button on the back of your modem. The reset button is marked in green in the picture below. Keep the button pressed for more than 15 seconds. Your modem will be restarted.

Do I need both a modem and router for WiFi?

If you wish to use WiFi or connect numerous devices, you’ll need both a modem and a router. You can only connect one computer at a time because most modems only have one LAN Ethernet connector, but a modem won’t provide the same level of protection as a router.

How do I turn on bridge mode?

Toggle Bridge Mode On/Off

  1. Enter the default username and password:
  2. From the left-hand column, select Gateway > At a Glance.
  3. Next to Bridge Mode, click Enable.
  4. A message appears stating “WARNING: Enabling Bridge Mode will disable Router functionality of Gateway and turn off the private Wi-Fi network.

Do I need modem if I have router?

Yes. You can use a router without a modem to transfer files or stream content between devices on a wireless network. However, you need a modem and an internet service provider (ISP) if you want to access the internet.

Is Bridge Mode the same as modem mode?

Bridge mode is the configuration that disables the NAT feature on the modem and allows a router to function as a DHCP server without an IP Address conflict. Connecting multiple routers can extend the Wi-Fi coverage in your office/home.