What are the branches of the inferior epigastric artery?

Branches and supply Along its course, the inferior epigastric artery gives off several branches, including muscular branches, anastomotic branches, cutaneous branches, the cremasteric artery and a pubic branch.

How do you identify an inferior epigastric artery?

Using anterior abdominal wall landmarks, the inferior epigastric artery can be identified midway between the anterior superior iliac spine and the pubic symphysis as it travels toward the umbilicus.

What artery and vein are found on the undersurface of the rectus abdominis?

The inferior epigastric artery enters the lower lateral margin of the rectus four to five fingerbreadths below the umbilicus and runs along the underside of the muscle.

What does the inferior epigastric vein drain into?

The inferior epigastric vein drains into the external iliac vein near its lower end just above the inguinal ligament.

What is the deep inferior epigastric artery?

The deep inferior epigastric artery (DIEA) arises from the terminal aspect of the external iliac artery deep to the inguinal ligament. The DIEA ascends from the lateral aspect of the rectus abdominis muscle toward the umbilicus.

Which two arteries meet within the rectus sheath?

Because of this variation and the clinical implications, it is crucial to understand the anterior and posterior laminae. The rectus sheath contains within it the superior and inferior epigastric arteries and veins, lymphatic vessels, and the thoracoabdominal nerves related to those particular structures.

Why is it called triangle of doom?

The vas deferens and the gonadal vessels form the boundaries of a so-called ‘triangle of doom’ [18] . This tri- angle of doom contains the external iliac artery and vein. No dissection or other activity whatsoever should be per- formed in this area, as an injury to either of these vessels could be fatal.

How do you remember Hesselbach triangle?

This can be remembered by the mnemonic RIP (Rectus sheath (medial), Inferior epigastric artery (lateral), Poupart’s ligament (inguinal ligament, inferior).

Where do inferior epigastric arteries come from?

The inferior epigastric artery arises commonly from the external iliac artery just superior to the inguinal ligament. This artery runs superiorly in the transversalis fascia to enter the rectus sheath below the arcuate line, and finally anastomoses with the superior epigastric artery [1].

What do epigastric veins drain?

In human anatomy, superior epigastric vein is a blood vessel of the abdominal wall. It drains into the internal thoracic vein. It drains the anterior part of the abdominal wall and some of the diaphragm.