Does Navier Stokes work for compressible flow?

As shown, the compressible Navier-Stokes equation is a partial differential equation. Typically, a continuity equation, shown below, is simultaneously evaluated, yielding solutions for the momentum and velocity of the fluid flow.

Has anyone ever solved the Navier-Stokes equation?

Even more basic (and seemingly intuitive) properties of the solutions to Navier–Stokes have never been proven. For the three-dimensional system of equations, and given some initial conditions, mathematicians have neither proved that smooth solutions always exist, nor found any counter-examples.

Is Navier-Stokes equation real?

Navier-Stokes equation, in fluid mechanics, a partial differential equation that describes the flow of incompressible fluids. The equation is a generalization of the equation devised by Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler in the 18th century to describe the flow of incompressible and frictionless fluids.

Can Navier Stokes be solved analytically?

There are no methods so far or very highly complex methods to solve these non linearity. N-S equations also show such kind of non linearity hence Analytical solution does not exists.

Who created the Navier Stokes equation?

G.G. Stokes
These equations describe how the velocity, pressure, temperature, and density of a moving fluid are related. The equations were derived independently by G.G. Stokes, in England, and M. Navier, in France, in the early 1800’s.

What is Stokesian fluid?

Stokes flow (named after George Gabriel Stokes), also named creeping flow or creeping motion, is a type of fluid flow where advective inertial forces are small compared with viscous forces.

Why hasn’t Navier-Stokes been solved?

The Navier-Stokes equation is difficult to solve because it is nonlinear. This word is thrown around quite a bit, but here it means something specific. You can build up a complicated solution to a linear equation by adding up many simple solutions.

Is Diane Adler Real?

Diane Adler was an American editor. She is known for editing the feature film The Presidio (1988), and for her work as an editor on the 1970s James Garner television series The Rockford Files. Adler began her career editing commercials into television shows at 20th Century Fox Television.

Why is Navier-Stokes equation hard to solve?

The Navier-Stokes equations involve calculating changes in quantities like velocity and pressure. Mathematicians worry about this kind of scenario: You’re running the equations, and after some finite amount of time, they tell you a particle in the fluid is moving infinitely fast.

What do you mean by analytical exact solution of Navier-Stokes equation?

An analytical solution is obtained when the governing boundary value problem is integrated using the methods of classical differential equations. The result is an algebraic expression giving the dependent variable(s) as a function(s) of the independent variable(s).