What is the climate of Jaipur today?

Today’s temperature in Jaipur is 41°c.

Does it rain in Jaipur?

Jaipur has a hot and semi arid climate. It does receive monsoon rains, between June and September, but escapes lightly compared to the monsoon in other parts of India. Summer weather in Jaipur can be extremely hot, so most travellers prefer to visit during the winter months.

What will be the temperature of Jaipur at 9am today?

Jaipur, Rajasthan, India Hourly Weather Forecaststar_ratehome

Time Conditions Temp.
9 am Sunny 97 °F
10 am Sunny 99 °F
11 am Sunny 102 °F
12 pm Sunny 104 °F

Which month is coldest in Jaipur?


Quick Climate Info
Coldest Month January (60 °F avg)
Wettest Month August (6.72″ avg)
Windiest Month June (8 mph avg)
Annual precip. 20.64″ (per year)

Why is Jaipur so hot?

The environment of Jaipur is hot and semi-arid. The term arid means dry, like a desert. Jaipur receives slightly more rainfall than a desert, so it is referred to as “semi-arid”. The environment in Jaipur is different to most climates on the U.S. east coast as it has a dry season and a monsoon, or wet season.

Which city is coldest in India?

Drass, Jammu and Kashmir Situated at an elevation of 3350 m, Drass is the coldest place in India and second to the coldest inhabited region on Earth. The average temperature during winter season goes down to -23 ºC.

Is Jaipur colder than Delhi?

In fact, Jaipur was colder than most of the major north Indian cities with New Delhi recording 6.1 degrees, Chandigarh 5.7 and Shimla recording 4.5 degrees Celsius on Thursday.

Is Jaipur hot or cold?

In Jaipur, the wet season is oppressive and partly cloudy, the dry season is mostly clear, and it is hot year round. Over the course of the year, the temperature typically varies from 48°F to 104°F and is rarely below 42°F or above 110°F.

Is Jaipur too hot?

Nonetheless Jaipur offers hot semi-arid climate and the temperatures remains relatively high all through the year. The weather in Jaipur during the summers jumps up and scorches in between 35 degree and maximum of 48 degree, which is extremely and deadly hot and dry.

Which is the hottest place in Rajasthan?

Heatwave conditions prevailed in most parts of Rajasthan on Sunday with Banswara being recorded as the hottest place in the state at 46.5 degrees Celsius.