How many km is adoor to Pathanamthitta?

17 Kms
Distance Between Adoor to Pathanamthitta

Distance between Adoor to Pathanamthitta by Road is 17 Kms
Distance between Adoor to Pathanamthitta by Flight is 14 Kms
Travel Time from Adoor to Pathanamthitta by Road is 0:29 hrs
Nearest Airport in Adoor Trivandrum International Airport (9.15, 76.74)

How many km konni to Pathanamthitta?

Distance Between Pathanamthitta to Konni

Distance between Pathanamthitta to Konni by Road is 10 Kms
Distance between Pathanamthitta to Konni by Flight is 8 Kms
Travel Time from Pathanamthitta to Konni by Road is 0:17 hrs
Nearest Airport in Pathanamthitta Trivandrum International Airport (9.26, 76.79)

How many km kozhencherry to Pathanamthitta?

13 km. Pathanamthitta To Kozhencherry Distance & Time : Pathanamthitta to Kozhencherry approximate distance is 13 Kms and takes approximately by road.

How many km Thiruvalla to Pathanamthitta?

Distance Between Tiruvalla to Pathanamthitta Is 30 Kms , Duration, Driving Directions & Route Map.

Which district is adoor?

Pathanamthitta district
Adoor, sometimes spelled Adur is a major municipal town in the Pathanamthitta district in Kerala State. Adoor is one of the two Revenue Divisions of the Pathanamthitta District.

What is the Pincode of adoor?

691523Adoor / Zip code

How many railway stations are there in Pathanamthitta?

Tiruvalla railway station is the only railway station in the district of Pathanamthitta.

How big is Pathanamthitta?

9.073 mi²Pathanamthitta / Area

How many cities are there in Pathanamthitta?

There are four municipalities in Pathanamthitta: Tiruvalla, Adoor, Pathanamthitta and Pandalam.

What is the pin code of pathanapuram Kerala?

689695Pathanapuram / Zip code

Is pathanamthitta a city?

Pathanamthitta (IPA: [pɐt̪ːɐnɐn̪d̪iʈːɐ]), is a municipality situated in the Central Travancore region in the state of Kerala, India, spread over an area of 23.50 km2. It is the administrative capital of Pathanamthitta district. The town has a population of 37,538.