Which books are best for IAS preparation?

UPSC Books – Best Books For IAS Prelims

Subject UPSC Books
Indian Polity Indian Polity – M Laxmikanth NCERT IX-XII
Economics Indian Economy by Nitin Singhania Economic Development & Policies in India – Jain & Ohri NCERT XI
International Relations NCERT XII (Contemporary World Politics) Current Affairs

How can I study for general studies for IAS?

The basic approach should be STUDY-REVISE-IMPROVISE. Dont use guides, standard preparatory material or NCERT text books. Keep on referring to UPSC previous years papers to check if you have missed any topic. Prepare for the subjective papers ( i.e mains).

Which book is better for general studies?

UPSC General Studies Books For Preliminary Examination: ‘Indian Polity : Indian Polity’ by M Laxmikanth. ‘Indian Economy : NCERT Books and Indian Economy’ by Ramesh Singh. ‘General Science’ : NCERT textbooks. ‘Mental Ability : Quantitative Aptitude’ by R.S. Aggarwal.

Which is the best GS book for UPSC?

UPSC Exam 2021: Best Books for UPSC Prelims General Studies

Name of the Book (Geography) Author
Certificate Physical and Human Geography Goh Leong
NCERT VI – X (Old Syllabus) NCERT
Oxford Student Atlas for Competitive Exams Oxford University Press
Fundamentals of Human Geography NCERT

Is 12th marks important for IAS?

There is no criteria on class 12th marks. Student must be a graduate and should have passed class 10th and 12th. There is no minimum percentage required. 12th board marks are not important in UPSC exams.

How do I start studying for GS?

So for beginners, the best way to start the preparation for GS is to study all the NCERT from class VI to class XII for History, Geography, Economics, and Polity, the NCERT books for class XII and XII must be studied in addition to the lower class NCERTs.

How can I learn general studies?

As a piece of general advice, everybody recommends to read newspapers, listen to AIR news and watch GD interviews to study General knowledge. Here, we will tell you how to go about it. Reading Habit: It is recommended to follow 2 to 3 newspapers daily. Reading newspaper daily will boost your GK learning.

What is General Studies Upsc?

GS Paper 1 of UPSC Mains is one of the four general studies papers. It is a subjective type of paper consisting of subjects like History, Geography, Art and Culture, and Indian Society. Along with GS Paper 1, there are eight other papers in the Mains stage of the IAS Exam.

Is Ncert is enough for UPSC?

The NCERT books of class 9th and 10th are also recommendable for IAS Prelims Preparation but not necessary (in case they have enough time)….Is NCERT enough for IAS prelims?

Ancient History 1.’Ancient India’ by RS Sharma (Old NCERT)
Medieval History 1. History of Medieval India by Satish Chandra (Old NCERT)